


1. Youth English club

Are you interested in joining a new youth English club? Anyone who is between 12 and 16 is welcome. We have many kinds of English activities for you if you join us. We meet at 3:00 pm every Saturday. Please call Miss Li at 85641123 for more information.

2. Notice Feb.27th ,2017

Boys and girls,WE are going to Center Park to do some cleaning as a volunteer tomorrow. We ’ll meet at the school gate at 8:00. Please take your broom with you. Don’t be late.

Students ’ Union

3. Dear Alice,

There will be a speech competition in the Great Hall next Wednesday. It begins at one o’clock in the afternoon. Please sign up in the school’s office first. Everyone is welcome.

4. Dear Li Wen,

Happy birthday!

I hope that your birthday will be filled with happiness and surprises! Sixteen is a wonderful age. You will be taller, stronger and wiser.

Yours always,

Ma Tao

5. Dear Mr. Green

I ’m sorry to say that I’m not feeling well today. This morning I went to see a doctor and he told me that I had a bad cold. So I can’t go to school today and tomorrow. Please don’t worry about me. I will get better soon.

Li Ming

6. Good morning! Here is the weather reporter for Jia Mu si. In the morning, it will be sunny. In

the afternoon, there will be light snow and strong wind. In the evening, there will be heavy snow. The temperature will be 15 to 25 below zero. Thank you for listening.

7. Dear Alice,

Thank you for inviting me to take part in your birthday party. I’d like to come. But my mother is ill. I have to stay at home to look after her. So I can’t come. Happy birthday to you!



8. Xi Jia De dumpling house

Would you like to eat dumplings or noodles? At our restaurant, we have three specials. We have chicken carrot dumplings only 4 yuan for 8. We also have small bowl of beef tomato noodles for 3 yuan.Our Ma Po Tofu rice is only 5 yuan. We have free orange juice, too. Come and enjoy them.

9. Notice

All the students,

May Day is coming. We will go to Long Sha park to pick up rubbish on April 29th Saturday. We will meet at the school gate at 8 in the morning on that day. Please bring rubbish bags yourselves. Don’t be late.

Student Union


1. Youth English club

Are you interested in joining a new youth English club? Anyone who is between 12 and 16 is welcome. We have many kinds of English activities for you if you join us. We meet at 3:00 pm every Saturday. Please call Miss Li at 85641123 for more information.

2. Notice Feb.27th ,2017

Boys and girls,WE are going to Center Park to do some cleaning as a volunteer tomorrow. We ’ll meet at the school gate at 8:00. Please take your broom with you. Don’t be late.

Students ’ Union

3. Dear Alice,

There will be a speech competition in the Great Hall next Wednesday. It begins at one o’clock in the afternoon. Please sign up in the school’s office first. Everyone is welcome.

4. Dear Li Wen,

Happy birthday!

I hope that your birthday will be filled with happiness and surprises! Sixteen is a wonderful age. You will be taller, stronger and wiser.

Yours always,

Ma Tao

5. Dear Mr. Green

I ’m sorry to say that I’m not feeling well today. This morning I went to see a doctor and he told me that I had a bad cold. So I can’t go to school today and tomorrow. Please don’t worry about me. I will get better soon.

Li Ming

6. Good morning! Here is the weather reporter for Jia Mu si. In the morning, it will be sunny. In

the afternoon, there will be light snow and strong wind. In the evening, there will be heavy snow. The temperature will be 15 to 25 below zero. Thank you for listening.

7. Dear Alice,

Thank you for inviting me to take part in your birthday party. I’d like to come. But my mother is ill. I have to stay at home to look after her. So I can’t come. Happy birthday to you!



8. Xi Jia De dumpling house

Would you like to eat dumplings or noodles? At our restaurant, we have three specials. We have chicken carrot dumplings only 4 yuan for 8. We also have small bowl of beef tomato noodles for 3 yuan.Our Ma Po Tofu rice is only 5 yuan. We have free orange juice, too. Come and enjoy them.

9. Notice

All the students,

May Day is coming. We will go to Long Sha park to pick up rubbish on April 29th Saturday. We will meet at the school gate at 8 in the morning on that day. Please bring rubbish bags yourselves. Don’t be late.

Student Union


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