


1. 现象型

The past few years witnessed the emergence of a widespread social

phenomenon, that is ,more and more young people ignore the responsibility of looking after their aged parents. This issue, no doubt, has been brought into public concern immediately. Among the media, we can find bulk of relevant discussions. Obviously this is a topic that most people are not only interested in, but also hold opinion about.

2. 观点型

When it comes to the popular trend of long public holidays, a vehement discussion has come up among the general public. A majority of people are in strong favor of taking long holidays, while still some people argue that this holiday style is not suitable for a developing country like China. In my opinion, the benefits of long holidays outnumber its disadvantages in various ways.


1 分析利弊

Is this phenomenon a blessing or a curse? The following list of advantages can explain everything.

2. 分析原因

It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that

underlie the above complicated phenomenon. For one thing,..For another... Besides, an important factor worth our concern is that...

Why should this phenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it.


1. 发表观点

As any coin has two sides, the above issue can also be approached from a different perspective. Therefore it is quite normal for people to hold rather opposite opinion. However,it's my firm belief that...Any action concerning the issue should be highly encouraged in the present case.

2. 提出建议

Considering the current issue, we should call for some immediate actions imposed by the authorities. In other words, our government of various levels must make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a proper order and justice. Besides, as citizens, we should also be aware that any prompt solution is of benefit to all. Therefore ,it's duty of ordinary people to actively participated in the action.


1. 现象型

The past few years witnessed the emergence of a widespread social

phenomenon, that is ,more and more young people ignore the responsibility of looking after their aged parents. This issue, no doubt, has been brought into public concern immediately. Among the media, we can find bulk of relevant discussions. Obviously this is a topic that most people are not only interested in, but also hold opinion about.

2. 观点型

When it comes to the popular trend of long public holidays, a vehement discussion has come up among the general public. A majority of people are in strong favor of taking long holidays, while still some people argue that this holiday style is not suitable for a developing country like China. In my opinion, the benefits of long holidays outnumber its disadvantages in various ways.


1 分析利弊

Is this phenomenon a blessing or a curse? The following list of advantages can explain everything.

2. 分析原因

It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that

underlie the above complicated phenomenon. For one thing,..For another... Besides, an important factor worth our concern is that...

Why should this phenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it.


1. 发表观点

As any coin has two sides, the above issue can also be approached from a different perspective. Therefore it is quite normal for people to hold rather opposite opinion. However,it's my firm belief that...Any action concerning the issue should be highly encouraged in the present case.

2. 提出建议

Considering the current issue, we should call for some immediate actions imposed by the authorities. In other words, our government of various levels must make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a proper order and justice. Besides, as citizens, we should also be aware that any prompt solution is of benefit to all. Therefore ,it's duty of ordinary people to actively participated in the action.


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