Yes, boss, I have the satellite codes with me.
No, I didn't leave them in the truck. You think I'm stupid? 哪有,就在我手上啊
No, they are with me.
是 我马上把它收好
Ja, I'm inputting them right now.
好的,我不会让你失望的 帮我向你老婆问好 Yeah, I'm working very hard. Say hello to your wife. 哦,你们离婚了啊? 真抱歉,好的 再见 Oh, she left you. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, bye.
Little puppy
What are you doing here?
It's so cold.
Come inside and warm up with Freidrich.
Come here. Yes.
乖乖 乖乖
Hello. Hello.
I found a new companion for you.
快跟你的新朋友打招呼啊 “喂, 你好”
Say hi to your new friend. "Hello."
我是新来的 我们当好朋友吧
"I'm your new friend. We are friends."
Stop it! It's only a little puppy.
Now you sound angry.
Stop it! He can hear you!
Close your mouth.
不可以!雷克斯 你怎么变这么不乖
No! Rex! This is so illogical!
雷克斯... 你到底怎么了?
Rex! Rex, what's wrong with you?
过来... 给我到外面去 不可以
Come. Come. Outside. No!
你的教养都跑哪去了? 坐下... 给我坐下! 来者是客
Where are your manners? Sit! Sit! Sit down! We have a guest. 你给我在这里反省 直到你变乖为止
You will stay out here till you learn how to behave!
噢,不会吧 锁住了?
Oh, no. Locked?
But how?
State your business.
探员编号 127 请求援助
Agent 127 breaking radio silence.
I have spotted Kitty Galore.
重复一次 我发现了珍珠猫
I repeat, I have spotted Kitty Galore.
片名:猫狗大战2 珍珠猫大反扑
Cats and Dogs The Revenge of Kitty Galore 2010
旧金山市 加州
We've all seen his commercials...
... 不过今天的卡利托看起来非常狂野 已经是到了失控的地步 ...but today it appears Crazy Carlito really is off his rocker.
他声称的他的薪水不如人 但现在看来 他的行为也是不如人 He's claimed his prices are insane. Now it appears he is too. 目前场面非常的紧张 我们只能期待有人来解决这场闹剧
The situation is tense as we wait for someone to come end this standoff. 尚恩 过来这里
Shane, get over here.
迪格斯 原地待着
Diggs, stay.
快告诉我目前的状况 队长
Give me the situation, captain.
We've got a first-class nutcase here.
Four hostages inside.
All used-car salesmen.
I've got mixed feelings about this one.
那个怪人花样还真多 手拿着引爆器
That wacko so much as changes channels on that thing... ... 墙壁上还布满了炸弹
...and this whole lot explodes.
Only one thing to do here.
你是我的猎物 你是口到擒来的猎物
You are mine. You are so mine.
I'll do it! - All I can...
你们敢过来的话 我就给你们一声“碰!”
Come any closer and the last thing you'll hear is "boom"! 迪格斯 不要
Diggs. No.
快离开那 快走
Get out of there! Get out!
快走 大家 照他说的走吧
Get out! - Guys, let's go!
快离开那 迪格斯
Get out of there! Diggs!
迪格斯 快走啊
Diggs, go, go!
你们想看精彩的烟火 我就放给你们看!
You want fireworks, I'll show you fireworks! 我只要按下这个按钮....
All I have to do is push this button...
... 就爆给你看!
...and boom!
Oh, yeah!
迪格斯 不要
Diggs! No!
炸弹要爆炸了 全员往后撤退
It's gonna blow! -Hold those people back!
快找掩护 重复一遍 快找掩护
Take cover! I repeat! Take cover!
Hold on.
你要让那个家伙加入我们? 他刚炸了那家车行耶
You wanna recruit that guy? He just blew up a car dealership!
是家二手车行啦 也是 他想当个警察可能还差的远
A used-car dealership. True, he may not be a great cop.
但是他很有资质 可以成为一位很优秀的探员
But he has the potential to be a great agent.
他很行 出生入死都不在话下 而且受过近战专业训练
He's fearless, barks in the face of danger, and is trained in paw-to-paw combat. 加上讨厌别人命令他 但重要的是 他最恨...
Plus the only thing he hates more than following orders...
... 猫咪
...is cats.
Well, hating cats is good.
这正是我们所需要的 这才能对抗珍珠猫
And exactly what we need to take down Kitty Galore.
算了 我不认为你找的到 会有哪个傻蛋会跟这种天才合作
Fine. But I don't know who you'll find dumb enough to partner with him. 别担心 我已经有适合的人选了
Easy. I'm barking right at him.
It's you
oh my god...
- 停职? - 那只狗是个瘟神
Suspended? - This dog is a disaster.
我要重新送他回训练营 我算算 已经是第三次了吗?
We've sent him to obedience school, what, three times now?
And he still won't listen.
Don't put him back in the system.
那边老是把他被关在笼子里 他到现在从没有一个安稳的家
He's been in and out of kennels his whole life. He's never had a home. 我告诉你 我会领养他
I'll tell you what, I will adopt him.
抱歉了 尚恩 他属于国家资产
Sorry, Shane. He's state property.
况且 你家还有个刚诞生的小宝宝
Besides, you have a new baby now.
你不需要为自己添这种麻烦 让他去吧 尚恩
You don't need this kind of trouble at home. Let him go, Shane.
Let him go.
队长 请不要逼我这样做
Captain, please don't make me do this. 干的真好啊 迪格斯
Nice one, Diggs.
我很抱歉 迪格斯
I'm sorry, Diggs.
I know you tried.
凡是你都会尽力 只是有时候过了头
You always try. Just sometimes a little too hard. 努力的当个好警犬
Like this cop thing.
有的时候 你也可以放松一下
Sometimes you just gotta play with others. 不要太努力去当个好狗狗
It's not always about being the top dog. 迪格斯 我很抱歉 好兄弟
Diggs, I'm sorry, buddy.
I'll do everything I can to get you out of here. 在那之前 你要乖乖的
Until then, you be a good boy.
我爱你 好兄弟
I love you, buddy.
这应该不算太糟 对吧?
This isn't so bad, right?
地板 你好啊 铁笼 你安啊
How's it going, floor? What's up, cage? 饭碗 好久不见?
Que pasa, bowl?
你们大家有想我吗? 不用太想 因为我回来了 Did you guys miss me? Because I'm back! 又再次回到狗窝了
Back in the kennel again.
嘿... 这是怎样..
Hey! What...? What the...?
好的好的 你吓到我了
Okay, okay, this is creeping me out.
喂, 你好 有人在吗?
Hello? Anyone home?
喂, 你好
你是谁? 是谁把电梯装在那的?
Who are you? When did they put an elevator in there?
我是特别探员布奇 要来告诉你一个好消息
Name's Special Agent Butch, and against better judgment...
... 你被选中加入一个特别单位
...you're being recruited into an organization...
... 你将协助我们来打击邪恶组织
...to help fight the spread of radical felinism.
好吧.. 是有人在跟我开玩笑吗?
Okay, is somebody pulling my tail here?
这不是玩笑 迪格斯
This isn't a joke, Diggs.
- 你怎么知道我的名字的?
How do you know my name?
- 你没看到我从地板冒出来吗?
- I just came up out of the floor.
Let's assume I'm smart enough to know your name.
告诉你 当你还在跟同梯的互追尾巴时...
While you and your cop buddies are here chasing your tails...
there's an elite team of dogs charged with the noble responsibility...
of protecting mankind.
We want you to join that team.
你的机会只有一次 迪格斯. 我想你不会不答应的
This is a one-time-only offer, Diggs. I suggest you say yes.
听起来很诱人 但我想光是这样讲讲 怎么能让我就这样答应
It's tempting, but I can't just say yes to every offer that comes through that floor. 孩子 你大半辈子都关在这个鸟地方
Kid, you already spent half your life locked up in this place.
There's a good chance you'll spend the rest of your life here.
不过 选择权还是在你
But the choice is yours.
你可以留在这里 抓抓蟑螂 吃干饲料...
You can stay here and fight roaches over your kibble...
或是加入我们 一起对抗猫党
or you can come with me and fight cats.
Fight cats? Why didn't you say so?
现在 浪子不再徘徊了 有只狗已经准备好要狩猎了
Now, move over, Rover, this dog's ready to hunt!
噢 我的天啊
Oh, my dog!
准备好出发 小心不要吓到哭了喔
I just vacuumed the seats, so try not to shed.
Come on!
哇呜,我们现在正高速前进 对不对?
Wow, we're going really fast, aren't we?
好刺激啊!我真不敢相信 实在太爽了!
This is nice! This is enjoyable. I'm enjoying this.
- 你还好吧 大人物 - 我很好!
Sure you're okay, big shot? -Fine, good.
不 不好 一点都不好
No, not good. Not good.
Yeah, I'm gonna barf.
我是探员 3293. 我已经完成任务了
This is Agent 3293. I've got the package.
要注意 菜鸟第一次搭总是会晕车
Careful, now. New recruits sometimes get a little woozy after their first ride. 你没事吧 菜鸟
Are you okay there, rookie?
我没事的 一点事儿都没有
Yeah, I'm good. Totally fine.
不知道为什么整个房间一直在转 我先在这躺一下
I'm just gonna lay down here till the room stops spinning.
该走了 超级狗狗 好玩的才要开始而已
Let's go, superdog. The fun's just beginning.
我怎觉得 你说的好玩的跟我想的不太一样
I think we have different definitions of "fun."
Just wait.
现在先给你心理准备 孩子
Now prepare yourself, kid.
You're about to experience something no human and very few canines ever see. 你好啊 布奇探员 现在启动狗掌扫描
Greetings, Agent Butch. Activate paw scan now.
This is like Petco meets Vegas.
" 今日课程:工作上的烦恼"
Today's seminar, "Harassment in the Workplace."
Doberman or not, do not pinch her.
欢迎来到狗党总部 我们所有的联络都会经过这里
Welcome to Dog HQ, the nexus of our whole operation.
麦奇 你要不要一起吃午餐啊? 不吃了 我不喜欢你 卡尔 Mike, you wanna grab lunch? -I don't like you, Carl.
我们都非常的单纯 毛茸茸般的单纯 不像人类那样复杂 We're the thin, furry line between humans and total chaos. 跟上我 孩子
Try and keep up, kid.
大家快看我 我是个滑板 我是个滑板
Hey, guys, watch. I'm skateboarding, I'm skateboarding!
Our elite agents work and train 24/7...
要来打击所有敌人 刚刚才开始习惯
to combat all enemies, foreign and domesticated.
常有人说" 狗是人类最忠实的朋友" 这句话对我们来说非常重要 We take the saying "man's best friend" very seriously here. - 跟不跟? - 当然要啦
All in? - Why not?
- 嗨 布奇 - 嗨 瘦皮
Hey, Butch. - Hey, Slim.
Why do we do all this?
To make sure it never becomes a cat-eat-dog world out there. 噢 你好啊 美人儿
Oh, hello, ladies!
我不喜欢你离开我 但我喜欢看你与我远走
Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave.
把口水擦一擦 快来 我要帮你介绍一下
Stop drooling already. Come on, I want to introduce you to someone. 你要帮我介绍小妞啊?拜托你了
Could you introduce me to them, please?
嘿 等等我
Hey, wait up.
最火的狗 要闪啦!
Hot dog, coming through!
DOG: 三 二 一 箱神发射
Three, two, one. Fire the catapult.
嘿 在这里你要留意你的脚步 不要随便碰任何东西
Hey, watch your paws in here. Don't touch anything.
嘿 最近好吗? 伙伴
Hey, how you doing, buddy?
这里有只猫 快找掩护!
It's some kind of cat! Get back!
喵呜?啊!我忘了摘下来 这是猫咪面具3000型
Meow? Oh, I forgot. This is the Catamatron 3000.
这能让你听懂猫话 而且看起来就跟猫一模一样
It trains you to think like the enemy. Literally.
Someone's been playing fetch with the ugly stick.
这是皮克 他是我们最棒的技术顾问
This is Peek, tech specialist and head of Covert Ops.
- 你好 - 有何贵干?
Hi. - What up, dog?
皮克 你那边现在有什么实际工作?
So, Peek, you got anything that actually works?
Follow me.
布奇 你的新装备是这个 狗项圈7号 通讯设备
Butch, your collar is fitted with the Rawhide-7 communications package. 自动开锁 捕捉网 低功率雷射
Lock pick, netting, helium-neon laser...
抓钩 还有能让你口气清新的 芳香剂
...grappling hook and liver-scented breath freshener.
And this is yours.
Sweet! What's it do?
Holds your name tag on your neck.
布奇 你看起变瘦了耶
Butch, you've lost some weight.
真抱歉 我是迪格斯 而且我帅的多了
Sorry, my name's Diggs and I always look this good.
山姆 我在这啦
Sam. I'm over here.
抱歉 老板希望能先见见你们
Sorry. The boss wants to see you two pronto.
把刘海剪一剪啦 你这嬉皮士
Get a haircut, you hippie.
恭喜你了 巴特卡普探员
Congratulations, Agent Buttercup...
恭喜你生了个儿子 跟儿子 跟女儿 跟儿子 跟女儿 跟女儿 ...on the birth of your son, son, daughter, son, daughter, daughter... 跟儿子 跟女儿 跟儿子
...son, daughter, son.
请坐 绅士们
Have a seat, gentlemen.
不 别在那 不是要你坐在沙发
No, off. Off the couch.
- 给我离开那沙发 - 抱歉抱歉
Off the couch! - Sorry. Sorry.
你们刚从外面回来 满身脏
You guys were outside, and you're dirty.
因为我们是外派探员啊 卢
Because we're field agents, Lou.
我们可没办法跟你一样 穿着丑毛衣坐在办公室
We can't all be desk jockeys like you, sitting around wearing ugly sweaters. 嘿 我喜欢这件毛衣耶 这可是我奶奶送我
Hey, I like this sweater. It was a gift from my grandma.
Can you give it back?
好吧 你就是那个喜欢炸房子的狗吗?
So you're the dog who likes to blow up buildings.
对啦... 不过那是个意外
Yeah, that was an accident.
看来你闯的意外还不少嘛 迪格斯
You seem to have a lot of accidents, Diggs.
你就帮帮忙少说点 现在可以跟我说我来这到底要干嘛?
Can we just cut to the chase already and get to why I'm here?
当然可以 在三个小时前 我们拦截到一个讯号
Of course. Three hours ago, we intercepted this transmission...
...from a mysterious villain from the feline underworld.
我相信 这是传给全部的猫党同志的
We believe this was meant for all cats.
Take a look.
你好啊 我未来的喽啰们
Greetings, my future feline followers.
我是 珍珠猫
My name is Kitty Galore.
恶... 长成这样也能叫猫吗?
Is that even a cat?
请容许我介绍我最爱的小东西 小美味
And may I present the most adorable creature in my life, little Scrumptious. - 问声好啊 亲爱的 - 救救我
Say hello, darling. - Help me.
狗的时代已经结束了 不再会有" 人类最好朋友" 这种东西
The age of the dog as man's so-called "best friend" is over!
两天内 我会散布一种声音 只有那些口水流不停的狗能听到
In two days, I will unleash a sound only those droolbag dogs can hear. 这声音非常的吓人 非常的恐怖...
A sound so devastating, so terrifying...
...it will drive all dogs completely insane.
我把这声音命名为 野性的呼唤!
I call this sound the call of the Wild!
一旦狗狗们失了常 人类就会抛弃他们
Once the dogs go woo-hoo, humans will be forced to get rid of them... 而没狗狗保护的人类们 将会是我的囊中物
...and without their protection, I will enslave all mankind!
小喵喵 我到家了喔
MAN: Kitty! I'm home!
没有任何人可以阻止我统治这个世界 珍珠猫 参上
Nothing will stop me from ruling the world. Kitty Galore out!
That cat makes the hair on my butt stand up.
珍珠猫是我们的头号通缉犯 在榜单上称霸了一年之久
Kitty has been number one on our "most wanted" list for a year.
上礼拜 他跟他的忠诚的同党小豹 出现在德国
Last week, she and her henchcat, Paws, resurfaced in Germany...
and stole top-secret satellite codes.
消息来源还指出 小豹还想干掉这只鸽子 谢默斯
Our sources also tell us Paws recently tried to eliminate this pigeon, Seamus. ~我相信我可以高飞~\n~I believe I can fly~
~我相信天空就离我咫尺间~\n~I believe I can touch the sky~ 没看过鸟洗澡耶 我要把这个传到网络上
Can't a bird take a bath without it ending up on the Internet?
虽然我不知道什么原因 但谢默斯是我们追缉珍珠猫唯一的线索
We don't know what the connection is, but Seamus is our only link to Kitty. 若我们能找到他 就能找到珍珠猫 还有我们只剩两天的时间
We find him, he can lead us to her. We have less than two days to find Kitty... 要抢在他启动 野性的呼唤 之前
before she activates her Call of the Wild.
你的任务就是 找到这只鸟并把他带回来
Your mission: Fetch and retrieve that bird.
太简单了 只要给我点面包屑 一个网子 跟一把榔头
Easy enough. Just give me some bread, a big net and a hammer. 我们要的是活的
We need him alive.
好吧 那榔头不要了
Okay, scratch the hammer.
你的任务就是 抢在小豹之前找到谢默斯
So you have your assignment. Find Seamus before the cats do.
You let Seamus get away?
It's just impossible to find good help these days.
那些长翅膀的鼠辈 可是有毁掉我整个计划的重要讯息
That rat with wings has vital information that could destroy my entire plan. 我们不能让这种事发生 对不对啊 我的小美味
We cannot let that happen, now, can we, little Scrumptious?
What are you waiting for?
I want this pigeon Seamus in your mouth...
然后给我摆在桌上 就是现在
...on my doorstep immediately.
快去 我叫你快去
Out! I said out!
Out! Out! Out!
这个滑鼠怎么那么难用啦! 噢!
What's wrong with this stupid mouse? Oh!
噢 小美味
Oh, Scrumptious.
我差点就压扁你了 看看你多么幸运啊
Now, now, I barely crushed you. Think how lucky you are.
你不用活在那可怕的地方 能跟我住在这么棒的窝
You could be living in that jungle instead of our new lair.
Isn't this wonderful?
It's perfect.
珍珠猫 我回家了喔
Kitty! I'm home!
Almost perfect.
喔 珍珠猫你看看 你以为那是真的鱼吗
Oh, look! Kitty! You think those are real fishies, don't you?
That's adorable.
Great news.
We are headliners!
真不敢相信 两个月前当我遇到了你
Would you believe it was only two months ago when I walked in here to find you...? 噢
I see what you're thinking.
一个新的开场 对不对?
A new opening, right?
Of course! That's genius. Pure genius.
Now we...
你好兴奋对吧! 每个魔术师 都一定会有的!
You are excited! Every magician needs one of these. Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
噢 珍珠猫
Oh, Kitty.
This is the rendezvous point.
那只鸽子 我们看着他飞进了那栋房子里
The pigeon we're looking for flew into that building.
记住卢跟你说的 要听从我的指令
Now, remember what Lou said: Follow my lead.
如果我叫你摇尾 你就不要给我摆头
When I say "Wag your tail," you ask "How hard?" Got it?
- 你肚子上绑的那包是啥? - 嘘!
What's with the fanny pack? - Shh!
我可不想跟你玩游戏啊 小子 我知道你会怕我
We can stop playing games, boy. I know you don't want none of this.
你不想现身 躲起来啊 因为你不想被我...
You don't wanna come out. You hiding because you don't want the:
看我表演 孩子
Now, watch this maneuver, kid.
我把这招叫做" 我丢你捡"
I call it "Fetch a Stick."
- 啥? - 快去 快去 快去捡
Hm? - Come on. Come on. Go get it.
Let's go.
哈哈 笨蛋
Ha-ha. Sucker.
我不知道为什么 这栋大楼好像在呼唤我一样
I don't know why, but this building appeals to me.
当然了 因为他长得跟消防栓一样
BUTCH: Of course it does. It looks like a giant fire hydrant. 没错 你说的对
Yep, that's it.
如果你没看着我 我可以尿的快一点
This would go faster if you didn't watch me.
拜托一下 快点啦
Come on, hurry up!
等你尿完 煮熟的鸽子都飞了
By the time you're done, the bird will have flown.
Say hello to my little friend.
真安静 好像有点太安静了
It's quiet. A little too quiet.
布奇 翻垃圾时间到了!
Butch, it's time to take out the trash!
What are you doing?
你想跑去哪啊 小坏蛋
Where do you think you're going, punk?
嘿!嘿!嘿! 温柔点 注意你的尖牙
Hey! Hey! Easy! Easy! Watch the teeth!
冷静点!这只鸟是我们的线人 他为我们工作
Stand down! That bird's our informant. He works for us. 线人?工作? 我想不是这样喔
Informant? Work? I do neither of these things.
- 我什么时候答应要当线人了? - 你是谢默斯?
And when's the last time you had a mint? - You Seamus? 这是不能说的秘密喔 你想知道吗?
That is privileged information. Who wants to know?
别搞笑了 狗党总部派我们来保护你的 现在快跟我们走
Are you kidding me? Dog HQ sent us to protect you. Now, let's go. 好的 只好这样吧
Good. It's about...
Wait a second!
How do I know you don't work for the cats?
" 在午夜之中前进"
"The crow flies at midnight."
什么?什么前进? 他在说什么?
What? What crow? What's he talking about?
这就是暗号啦 而且你要回答 " 老鹰..."
That's the passphrase. And you answer with, "The eagle..." " 欠我五块钱"
"Owes me five bucks."
- 嗯... 意思不太对 - 不不 等等 我快想起来了
Ugh. Close enough. - No, no, wait. Hang on, I'll get it.
- 是不是跟企鹅有关? - 我刚刚提示你是老鹰!
Was it a penguin? - I just told you it was an eagle!
- 是跟芭蕾舞女演员有关啊 - 真是够了
"Is a ballerina." - All right, enough.
为什么珍珠猫 想要封你的嘴?
Why does Kitty Galore have a price on your beak?
我不知道 我不认识他 这原本是我表哥尼奇的事
I don't know! I never met her! That was my cousin Nicky's business. 珍珠猫不会平白无故想干掉你 除非你知道什么
Kitty wouldn't be after you if you didn't know something. 尼奇有时候会来我家找我 但我不太记得
Nicky just crashed at my pad sometimes. I don't know anything. 因为我的脑袋只有葡萄这么大
My brain is the size of a grape!
Or a raisin. A big raisin or a little grape.
够了够了 别再耍花招了
Don't get your feathers all ruffled.
You're completely safe, now that we're...
快闪啊! 一个杀手拿着卷起来的报纸
Look out! Assassin with a rolled-up newspaper!
那只是只小小猫啦 谢默斯
No sweat. It's just a little kitty cat.
Hand over the bird.
呜呼 女喵喵啊
Ooh. A girl kitty cat.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
Hey, hey!
这是... ?
What the...?
- 呃 这可是你自找的 毛球 - 迪格斯
Oh, now it is on, furball! - Diggs!
- 保护鸽子 我来应付这只猫 - 你保护鸽子 这只猫是我的
Protect the bird. I'll take the cat. - You protect the bird. That cat's all mine. 你们俩慢慢玩 我要先溜了
You can both have the cat. I'm out of here!
I told you to watch the bird!
后会有期 女士们 我要飞了
See you, ladies. I gotta fly!
你老是用你那一套 这下可好了 大人物
You always do it your way, don't you, hotshot?
最好是这样 我怎么会知道有只会飞的猫 这个是...
You're right, I should have seen a flying cat coming. What the...? 不会吧!你的包包居然可以变成喷射机?
No way! Did your backpack just turn into a jet?
迪格斯!没时间了 我去找那只鸟
Diggs! Hang tight! I'm going after that bird!
不 等等我啊
Not without me!
- 啊,不 - 嘿!现在怎样
Oh, no! - Hey! What the...?
- 别这样我看不到路了 - 前有看板 前有看板
Stop it! I can't see! - Billboard, billboard, billboard!
I'm too old for this poop!
别追了 我家里还有一打蛋等着我回家
Wait! I have a dozen eggs waiting for me at home.
我送你半打 别再追我了
You can have six of them.
噢 不
Oh, no!
Follow me through this, cat!
Careful what you wish for.
我不是说让你真的跟着我 我只是开玩笑
I didn't mean follow me for real, I was playing.
飞的像蝴蝶般优雅 冲的像是...
Float like a butterfly, sting like a pi... Ah!
Mayday, mayday!
I've got you, bird.
拜托 戴西小姐 这玩意不能再快点吗?
Come on, Miss Daisy, can't this thing go any faster? 这东西限乘一人好吗 菜鸟
This is only built for one, rookie!
掩护我 弟兄们
Hide me, my brothers!
You're not gonna lose me that easy.
- 你想干嘛 - 这是你最后一次飞翔了!
What you doing? - It's the end of the line, bird!
- 我差点要追上她了 - 没有 我才是
I'm almost on top of her! - No, I got her!
Hey! Are you crazy?
嘿 有松鼠
Hey, a squirrel.
奥 老天 这听起来不太好
Oh, boy. This is not good.
翅膀坏了 你还能飞吗
Can't fly too well with a broken wing, can you?
噢 我的翅膀 看起来不太好
Oh, my wing. Oh, that doesn't look right.
Collar: Net!
你弄伤了我最爱的翅膀 准备上法院吧 女士
You busted my favorite wing. Get ready for a lawsuit, lady. Ha! 妈妈 看我
Mom, Mom, look at me.
You're going really fast, kiddo.
We've been at this all night.
再问你最后一次 珍珠猫在哪里?
Now, for the last time, where's Kitty Galore?
I don't know!
No! No!
Don't like the water, huh?
不要用水! 我求你了
Anything but water! I beg you.
迪格斯 这不是正常的逼供方式
Diggs, that is not a valid interrogation technique.
退开点 布奇 这才是真正的手段
Back off, Butch. This is how we do things downtown.
你以为 扮" 白脸黑脸" 这样我就会招了吗?
Think I'm gonna fall for your "good dog, bad dog" routine? - 有人! - 躲起来 躲起来
Human! - Hide. Hide. Hide.
嘿 狗狗耶
Hey, doggies.
噢 恶心
Ew. Ugh, yuck.
老兄 为什么狗老是爱把互闻屁股当作掩护
Guys, question: Why is butt-sniffing always your fallback position? 嘿 别想岔开话题 试过这招你就知道它的厉害 现在快说 Hey, don't knock it till you've sniffed it. Now, talk!
不 不要再用水 不要啦
No, no more water! No more...
- 探员47号 - 项圈..
Agent 47? - Tab?
- 收到讯号 - 听到请回答
We're getting... - Can you hear me?
Have you been compromised?
哇 你是从哪弄来这个时髦的颈圈啊
Aw, man. Where'd you get one of those fancy collars?
探员?等等 如果你不是珍珠猫的手下 那你是谁?
"Agent"? Wait. If you're not working for Kitty Galore, who are you? 我叫凯瑟琳 我是个猫底
Name's Catherine. I'm with MEOWS.
猫底? 发射激光
Collar: Laser.
等等 等等 什么是猫底?
Wait! Hold on, hold on. What's MEOWS?
猫咪保护世界安全之卧底 猫咪情报员
Mousers Enforcing Our World's Safety. Feline intelligence. 猫咪情报员 是吗! 好啊 快问快答 8乘8是多少?
Feline intelligence, huh? Okay, quick, what's eight times eight? - 64 - 哈哈 错了
Sixty-four. - Ha! Wrong!
八先拿掉三 然后去掉二
It's eight, carry the three, move the two...
I'm gonna have to get back to you.
MEOWS protects the world's cats against the pooch peril.
- 就是你 浪子. - 有人
That's you, Rover. - Human!
快躲 快躲
Hide. Hide. Hide.
Can't you doggies do anything else?
噢 为什么我们只有这一招
Ugh. Why is this always our fallback position?
You weren't hired by Kitty Galore to find the bird?
你又错了 臭狗
Wrong again, fleabag.
My mission is to find her and take her down.
听好 珍珠猫 本来的代号叫a.k.a. Ivana Clawyu
See, Kitty Galore, a.k.a. Ivana Clawyu...
曾经是猫底最棒的探员 直到一年前
...was one of MEOWS' best agents until a year ago.
不 不要靠近我!
No. Don't come any closer.
She was on assignment at a cosmetics factory...
...when a guard dog chased her into a vat of hair-removal cream. 从此他光秃秃 还被探员同事嘲笑排挤
Hairless beyond recognition and humiliated by her fellow agents... 所以她离开了猫底回到她原本的家
...Ivana left MEOWS and returned to her home.
这只怪物是什么? 都把狗狗吓坏了 快把那东西赶出去
What is that hideous thing? It's freaking out the dog! Get that thing out! 快滚!
But it's Christmas.
I'll make them pay.
从此之后 他浪迹天涯 并且改名叫做珍珠猫
After that, she went rogue, changed her name to Kitty Galore... 展开了他的复仇计划 直至今日
...and has been bent on revenge ever since.
等等 如果他想毁掉所有狗类 那你为什么还要阻止她?
Wait. If she wants to destroy all dogs, why are you trying to stop her? 别再听信谣言了 并不是猫咪就是邪恶的代表
Contrary to your belief, all cats aren't evil.
We care about humans as much as you do.
珍珠猫要对人类与狗进行复仇 这就是为什么要阻止她
Kitty wants revenge on dogs and humans, and that is why she must be stopped. 嘿 狗狗 你有毛病啊 小子
Hey, doggies. - What is wrong with you, kid?
How many times can you go down the same slide?
真对不起 我的意思是... 我是说“咕”
I'm sorry. I mean... I mean coo.
Mommy! Mommy!
We've been compromised.
你不要在人类面前讲话 除非你变成鹦鹉
Unless you turn into a parrot, never talk in front of humans!
听着 我知道珍珠猫会为了这只鸟而来 而你会需要我的帮助
Listen, I know Kitty. She's coming after this bird, and you'll need my help. 抱歉了探员 跟猫合作免谈
Sorry, Agent LicksAlot, no cats allowed.
Something we agree on.
你们没有退路了 试试看阻止我啊!
You guys don't have a choice. Just try and stop me.
喂, 你好
拉森警官 我是雷蒙德警官
Officer Larson, this is Officer Raymond.
- 你编号K-9的搭档迪格斯失踪了 - 什么?
Your K-9 partner, Diggs, is missing. - What?
我们今天去查看他的笼子时 发现他已经不见了
During today's rounds, his cage was vacant. He seems to be lost.
How do you lose Diggs?
他还没有真的丢掉 因为我们还没收到相关的文件
He's not officially lost. We're filing the appropriate papers.
你回笼子再找找他 再告诉我他没躺在地板上
Go back and check for him. He didn't fall through the floor!
Yes, sir.
抱歉亲爱的 我等等再回来 迪格斯失踪了
Sorry, honey, I'll be back. Diggs is missing.
Today's specials are leftover meatloaf and bacon.
Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!
为了你好 最好是跟紧我 小猫 我建议你眼睛不要到处乱瞄
Follow me, cat. For your own good, I suggest you avoid sudden moves. 今晚七点将上映的《史酷比》入场卷 已售完 请各位准时入场
The 7 p.m. Screening of Scooby-Doo is now sold out. Tickets still available... 什么!我没看错那是猫吗?
Wait! Is that a cat?
Why is everybody looking at me...
like they've never seen a crippled pigeon riding on a dusty dog?
Would you guys stay out of there?
派奇 不可以 那电脑不是给你咬的玩具
Patches, no, that computer is not a chew toy.
嘿 别把你的尾巴放进削铅笔机里
Hey, get your tail out of that pencil sharpener.
酷奇 不要和你哥哥吵架
Cookie, stop barking at your brother!
Where's the Dog Whisperer when you need him?
At least they're not wearing sweaters.
我老婆今天放大假 所以我只好看着这些调皮蛋
The wife is at the groomers today, so I'm watching the litter.
派奇 把兄弟们带出去
Patches, take your brothers outside.
Let's go!
And don't take treats from strangers!
泰博 拉泽比
Tab Lazenby.
So you're the new fat cat at MEOWS.
我刚有说你是肥猫吗?我本来是想说... 脱脂鲜奶有益健康
And when I say "fat cat," I mean you might wanna switch to the skim milk. 噢 卢兄不要紧 看来他们给了一个高高在上的官位坐啊
Oh, Lou, so catty. I see they've given you the key to the executive Dumpster. 看来一切都很值得喔
All that butt-sniffing paid off.
寒暄到此就好 现在有个我的人在你那吧
But enough pleasantries. You have one of my operatives.
据我所知 那个珍珠猫也曾是你的人对吧
I understand that Kitty Galore is one of yours too.
她已经不再是了 我们会以此为戒
She's our spilled milk. We'll lick it up.
You can't begin to imagine how dangerous she is.
She'll never stop until she has her revenge.
她正在威胁着我们 泰博
She's threatening us, Tab.
世界都反了 本来应该是狗追猫的
It takes a dog to chase a cat.
But it'll take a cat to catch this kitty.
这跟谁去抓珍珠猫无关 重点是要保护人类
This isn't about who should go after Kitty. It's about protecting the humans. 他说的对 我们不能干坐在这吵嘴
She's right. We can't just sit around arguing jurisdiction.
现在 将是我们历史上重要的时刻
Now, this would be a first in our political history.
距离珍珠猫的期限只剩下不到24小时 我们没有别的选择了 With 24 hours left on Kitty's deadline, we may have no other choice. 猫和狗将并肩作战
Cats and dogs will have to work together.
That ain't right.
什么?不可能 跟她一起合作?
What? No way, man. Work with her?
Why don't we go ahead and make an alliance with the mailman? 迪格斯 和谢默斯一起在外面等着
Diggs! Wait outside with Seamus.
Work with cats? I'd rather have worms.
Outside! Now!
我看你们都忘了自己是谁 居然要跟猫一起玩
Where I'm from, we don't play with cats.
- 我们可是追猫的 - 再见
We chase them. - Bye-bye, now.
卢兄 小朋友说的也有道理 我们也许不该跟猫合作 我们无法信任他们 Lou, the kid's got a point. We can't just work with cats. We can't trust them. 你会被糊弄的
You're being dramatic.
这些家伙到底要我怎样? 我才不要跟猫合作
What do these guys want from me? I can't work with a cat.
But I don't wanna go back to the kennel.
你有在笼子里生活过吗 好朋友
You ever live in a cage, my friend?
哈 我还真希望有
Ha. I wish.
有小秋千玩 免费的瓜子吃 还有个小镜子挂在那
The little swings, free sunflower seeds, that little mirror to hang with. 天啊 我真希望能回到尚恩的身边
Man, I wish I was back with my partner, Shane.
现在, 那只像是个美好的安排.
Now, that was a sweet setup.
你知道谁是完美的吗? 猫吗?才不是
You know who has the sweetest setup? Cats. Mm-mm-mm.
谈点轻松的 他们老爱高高在上的被宠爱
Talk about cushy. They're pampered like royalty.
像我有个表哥尼奇 他曾跟珍珠猫住在同个地方表演
This one house my cousin Nicky used to work at for Kitty Galore... 他说那里可是猫咪的天堂
...it was a feline paradise.
House? What house?
布奇 我知道哪里能找到珍珠猫了!
Butch! I think I know where we can find Kitty!
This is historic.
三个不同种族抛开己见一起逛大街 齐心协力就为解开谜团
Three species coming together, putting aside our differences to solve a mystery. 这真是个梦幻组合 除非这不是个梦
This is like the Dream Team, except we ain't dreaming.
把爪子磨利 我们到了
Pick up your paws, y'all. We're almost there.
What are you talking about?
Is there a soundproof bag we can stuff him in?
This is the joint where Nicky smuggled stuff for Kitty Galore. I think. 是的 应该是没错 我肯定
No, it is, I'm positive.
Sixty-five percent sure.
也许可能有67% 可是我又...
I could go up to 67, but I'm de...
喔你看 有虫虫大餐
Oh, look, a potato bug!
提高警觉 珍珠猫也许就在里面
Stay alert. Kitty could be ready to pounce inside.
我们正在突破自我 就在这陌生的地方
We're on an epic quest. Through foreign lands.
Learning about each other. And a little about ourselves.
项圈 开锁
Collar: Lockpick.
Look out!
Whoa, man!
嘿 他看起来好像条狗喔 老兄
Hey. It's, like, a bunch of dogs, man.
嘿 我们在哪见过面吗?
Hey, are we related?
老兄 我刚看他眨眼睛了
Dude, I saw it blink.
What's up with these guys?
Hopped up on catnip.
都怪那个猫婆婆 让他们失心疯
Cat ladies, such enablers.
好吧 抬起你的脚来 我们继续往前
Okay, stay on your toes, team. Let's move.
哦 不会吧...
Oh, boy.
Does schnookems want attention?
哦 小可爱
Oh, lovely.
好可爱的猫啊 好可爱的小喵喵
Beautiful pussycat. Beautiful puss.
哦 小可爱
Oh, dear.
- 嘿 跟上脚步好吗 小喵喵 - 你管的真宽
Hey, try and keep up, schnookems. - Go play in traffic. 摇摇你的尾巴 我准时到了
Shake a tail, I'm on the clock.
好吧 我有这些玩意
Here's what we got:
一个新型的晶片和 噢 还有个按钮可以当做小配件
One fresh microchip, and, oh, a thingamajig with a button on it. 好的 他看起来像是珍珠猫的党羽
All right. It looks like one of Kitty's henchcats.
当我说" 秘密行动" 时 大家都不准动
The key word here is "stealth." No one makes a move till I say so. 不好意思 我是只猫 我想我天生就懂得如何靠近猎物
Excuse me. I'm a cat. I think I know a thing or two about stealth. 我不是在和你讲话
I wasn't talking to you.
- 我是在和菜鸟讲 - 别说话 当木头
I was talking to the rookie. - Less talk, more rock!
- 大家快趴下...
Everybody down on the flo...!
快闪啊 警察来了!
Beat it, it's the cops!
I have underwear on my head, don't I?
我说了秘密行动 你竟然害我们唯一的线索飞了
I said stealth! You just lost us one of our leads.
噢 嘿!最近好吗?
Oh, hey! How's it going?
- 快点告诉我 - 不 告诉我才对
I want answers. - No, I want answers.
不 告诉我才对
No, I want answers.
不 告诉我才对
No, I want answers.
我会给你们答案的 我跟百科全书一样问不倒的
I'll give both of you guys answers. I'm an encyclopedia of answers. 好啊 那珍珠猫在哪里?
All right. Where's Kitty Galore?
她在... 我... 谁?
She's... l... Who?
Let me at him!
Is it supposed to do that?
What the...?
I'm going to guess, no, it's not supposed to do that!
This is not good.
哈哈 你们这群笨蛋
Ha-ha! You fools!
五分钟内猫沙和便便将会填满这个房间 你们都玩完了
In five minutes this room will fill up, and you're all gonna drown in kitty litter! 你没想到我有这招吧!傻蛋!
Bet you weren't expecting that, suckers!
But you're inside too.
不 我这么厉害
No! I'm long gone!
Outside, safe and sound...
...while you losers are in here, trapped in a rising tide of...
我是说.... 我
I mean, I...
快带我离开这里 我就跟你说你想要的情报
Get me out of here! I'll tell you anything! Anything!
有了这家伙 我想我不是这房间里最笨的动物了
And with that, I am officially no longer the dumbest animal in the room. 那个窗户 我们可以从窗户出去
The window! We can get out the window!
如果我们可以好好配合就能离开这里 我们要来个猫狗叠罗汉
If we all work together, we can reach it. We'll form a dog-cat pyramid. 你踩我的背 然后凯瑟琳踩你的
You step on my back, Catherine will step on yours.
她居然要踩我 那我也要踩回去
She'll scratch me. How about I get on her back?
是吗 那你来踩看看啊 看你会发生什么事?
Why don't you just try it and see what happens?
I'll do it!
Goodness. Someone made a schtinky.
Why can't you go in the yard like a normal animal?
跟狗一样 追着自己的尾巴跑吗?
Like a dog, rushing in without thinking.
You two wanna live or keep fighting?
Does schnookems need to be let outside?
哇哦 你看到了没?
Whoa. Did you see that?
有啊 看到了
Yeah, I know!
等等 我们在说什么?
Wait, what are we talking about?
- 你们这群家伙是疯了吗? - 珍珠猫在哪里?
You guys aren't mad, are you? - Where's Kitty?
最好快点讲 不然这些狗会把你的皮剥下来 做成他们最爱的包包 Start talking, or these dogs are gonna rip into you like a bag of Snausages. 好啦 好啦
Okay, okay!
听着 我不知道珍珠猫在哪 但我可以告诉你这个
Look, I don't know where Kitty is, but I can tell you this.
这几个月来 珍珠猫到处窃取高科技
For months now, Kitty has been stealing technology...
...from, like, NASA...
...the Pentagon...
你现在看到的是比尔盖兹他家的猫 视窗先生
You should've seen what we got from Bill Gates' cat, Mr. Windows. 而我只是中间猫
Now, I'm just the middlecat.
I take the parts, give them to pigeon couriers...
...and they fly them to a secret location.
Which is where?
我怎么会知道 我都说那是秘密地点了
How would I know? It's a secret.
- 听起来她像是在制造什么 - 到底是什么呢?
Sounds like she's building something. - But what?
Who can understand the mind of a crazy old cat?
- 我知道啊 - 什么?
I know! - Wait, what?
You know what she's building?
不 我是说我认识一只发疯的老猫
No. I know a crazy old cat.
好了 伙伴们
Okay, guys.
这只猫是个笨蛋 但他能带我们找到珍珠猫
This cat is nuts, but he might lead us to Kitty.
Unless you want a bone buried where the sun don't shine... 让我负责跟他谈话
...let me do all the talking.
是的长官 船长 队长 大人物
Yes, sir, captain. Captain. Mr. Man.
多拍点马屁 迪格斯
Keep pushing me, Diggs.
现在看好你的脚步并跟紧 事情会变得很毛
Now, watch your step. And stay close. Things could get hairy.
如果真的会很毛 那我不进去了 我已经都有羽毛了 不想再多长毛 If I grow any hair, I am leaving. I can't do hair and feathers. 这里真的毛毛的 不过我喜欢 什么 什么
It's just miserable but I like the... What? What?
等等我 别丢下我啊
Wait up! Don't leave me!
嘿 小鸟鸟
Hey, birdy-birdy. Mm.
Check out my ink.
噢 真可爱 他真的好爱他妈妈
Oh, how cute, he hearts his mommy.
噢 真是可爱
Oh, what a cute...
Can we leave now?
You look tasty.
美味 为什么?我体态的确很美没错
Tasty? Why, thank you. I try to keep fit.
Mr. Tinkles.
我们需要你敏锐的观察与感应 来找到珍珠猫
We need the insight of your twisted mind to locate Kitty Galore.
- 如果你想制造毁灭世界的机器... - 你将永远找不到真爱 知道吗
If you were to build a doomsday device... - You'll never find love, you know. 我还能教你怎么坐下呢 说点别的吧
I can tell by the way you're sitting. So apart from the others.
他们不会让普通的猫跟来 对吧
They wouldn't invite any ordinary cat, would they?
You're an agent. With MEOWS.
Spying on your own brothers and sisters?
Naughty little girl.
But that takes a very special kind of feline.
某人敬业 为人驱策 而且很愤怒
Someone dedicated, driven and very angry.
But at who? Daddy?
Who's your daddy, Catherine?
That's enough!
布奇 你看起来又老又肥
Butch! You look old. And fat.
而且过了这么多年 居然还是当个小小探员
And after all these years, still only a field agent?
听好了 你这老怪猫 我们是来问你珍珠猫的
Listen here, you freaky cat. We're here to talk about Kitty Galore. 你算哪跟葱?
Who the heck are you?
That bulge under your left ear...
You were implanted with a RFID microchip.
I'm guessing police work.
真是的 这么年轻就被解雇了
My, my, so young to be dismissed from the force.
告诉我警官 你讨厌我吗?
Tell me, officer, do you hate me?
你是不是很想一口把我咬下 嚼一嚼再吐出来 Do you wanna chew me up and spit me out...
...as has been done to you in relationship after relationship? 噢噢 换我了 换我
Ooh! Ooh! Do me next! Do me!
What color am I thinking of?
最后这只鸟 跟我很像
The last bird who stood this close to me...
好 我喜欢他公司那花俏的盛宴
...well, I enjoyed his company with a plate of Fancy Feast... 而且还有个装牛奶的盘子
...and a nice saucer of milk. Th-th-th-th.
我刚刚想的是蓝色 怪怪猫
I was thinking of blue, Creepy McGee.
我本来想的是黄色 但是黄色好像太明显
Originally I was thinking yellow, but yellow's so obvious. 臭狗
嘿 珍珠猫 我有好消息
Hey, Kitty, I got news.
What is the world coming to?
Cats and dogs can't work together!
怎么能 怎么能
What to do? What to do?
啊 小豹 该是轮到
Aha. Paws! Time to call in...
...the MacDougall twins.
I always wondered what Garfield would look like in a dress. 居然被自己的同类背叛
Betrayed by my own kind.
看来只有我们才能这么亲了 小美味
I guess it's just you and me, Scrumptious.
等等 小美味去哪了?
Wait. Where's Scrumptious?
小美味 小美味
Scrumptious? Scrumptious?
我在这里 在这里
I'm here! In here!
你这畜生 把他吐出来 把他吐出来
You animal! Spit him out! Spit him out!
如果他有天被吃掉 吃他的人只能是我
If anyone eats that mouse, it's gonna be me!
好了 小美味 不要出声
Okay, Scrumptious, not a squeak.
Close your eyes!
I have got a surprise for you!
珍珠猫 你看好了喔
Kitty, now, watch carefully.
关于上次说到的开场 现在你要从这里进去
For our big opening, you are gonna go in here, like this. 然后把第一支剑 插入第二个插槽
Now, let's see. Sword A into slot B.
The crowd "oohs" and "ahhs"...
然后我再把四号剑 插入到
...as I put sword D into slot...
然后我就会开始念魔法咒语 " 咘啦咘啦咘啦"
And then I say the magic words, "Abracadabra..." 然后就
And then:
Ooh, ooh! Ooh.
That was wrong.
你说够了没 现在快点告诉我们珍珠猫在哪里
Enough pussy-footing around, Tinkles! Where's Kitty Galore? 好啦 小声点 大家都被你吓到了
All right, everybody, chill.
There is one way to defeat Kitty Galore.
- 首先:立刻放了我 - 什么!这不可能
Step one: Release me immediately. - What? Forget it.
- 再来:我要求一架飞机 - 不可能
Step two: I need a space shuttle. - No.
噢 好吧 你们真没幽默感
Oh, all right. You guys are no fun.
听着 我可以帮你们打败坏蛋 这可是个高尚的专业工作
I can't help you fight other villains, all right? It's a professional courtesy thing. 我会被反对 嘲笑 还会丢掉我的退休金
I'd be blackballed, laughed at. I'd lose my pension.
不过 我会这样说
However, I will say this.
在猫眼里 你将看透一切
A cat's eye reveals everything.
What? What's that supposed to mean?
那是个谜 夏洛克
It's a riddle, Sherlock.
我本来是想装神秘的 噢 算了
I was trying to be mysterious. Oh, never mind.
所以现在 快滚
And now, leave!
我本来计划逃狱的 你懂的
I'm planning my escape, you know.
是喔 祝你好运了
Yeah? Good luck with that.
What? Good luck? For the great Tinkles?
An evil genius doesn't need good luck.
虽然 我有护照和快艇可以用
Although, I could use a passport and a speedboat.
Cats rule.
来吧 就该这样子
There. That ought to do it.
What was Tinkles talking about?
" 在猫眼里 你将看透一切" 这根本没道理啊
"A cat's eye reveals everything." That don't even make no sense.
叮当他根本不知道珍珠猫在哪里 他只是在装神经病而已
Tinkles doesn't know where Kitty Galore is. He's manipulative, he's psychotic. 换句话说 这就是猫科典型的个性
In other words, your typical feline.
什么 难道追着一颗球就不傻吗 而且还乐此不疲
Psychotic is chasing a ball when it's just gonna be thrown again.
What a pointless activity.
The game of fetch is one of the most exciting outdoor sports...
第二棒的就是追着松鼠跑 可不可以请你俩闭上嘴
...this side of squirrel chasing. - Would you two please muzzle it?
现在 珍珠猫叫我们摆平的那只笨鸟呢?
Now, where is that stupid bird Kitty wants us to knock off? Ha!
There you are.
什么?发生什么事了,安格斯? 换我看了
What? What's happening, Angus? Let me see.
邓肯 你安静点好吗
Duncan, would you be quiet!
完成任务后 我可以吃冰淇淋吗?
After the mission, can we get ice cream?
可以 可以 我们会买冰淇淋的 现在给我安静点
Yes, yes, yes, we can get ice cream. Now be quiet!
I love ice cream.
Attention, humans!
这里是船长 安格斯
This is your captain, Angus MacNot-a-cat!
There's a whale up front and he's taking song requests!
And he's made of candy.
快去 快
Go now! Go.
Something's up.
噢 你好啊 小红点
Oh, hello, little red dot.
嘿 来抱抱 这个是...
Hey. Hold up. What the...?
Seamus, what are you doing?
Look out! The MacDougall twins!
The MacWhats?
凯瑟琳 小心
Catherine, look out! - No!
- 迪格斯 你为什么要这样做 - 我也不清楚 Diggs, what'd you do that for? - I'm not sure. Catherine, protect that pigeon.
I'll get the cat!
等等 我喜欢苏格兰 还是输个精光
Wait! I love Scotland. And the Scotch tape.
你跑哪去了 还有那个勇气之心
Where'd you go? - And Braveheart.
项圈 发射激光
Collar: Laser!
Have fun!
Batter up!
快看 鲸鱼喷水了
Look! There's the whale.
布奇 如果你不是很忙的话 来帮我个小忙 Butch, if you're not too busy. Need a little help! 迪格斯 不要动
Diggs, hold still.
我要用激光 现在别伸爪子出来
I'll use my laser. Now, don't move a paw!
喔耶 小狗狗
Yippee ki yay, little puppy!
嘿 凯瑟琳 我们有只落水狗了
Hey, Catherine! We got a doggy overboard! - 快帮帮忙 我快滑下去了 - 迪格斯
Do something, I'm slipping! - Diggs!
不 我不敢 我讨厌水 我从来没
No! I can't. It's the water. I never...
我等等再帮你叫心理科医生 现在我需要你帮我 We'll call Dr. Phil later. But right now I need some help. 听好 你这幸运猫 因为我还没痛扁你一顿
Take that! And you're lucky I don't smack you upside your cat head.
踢他的风笛 布奇
Kick him in the bagpipes, Butch!
你躲不过我的 你这只弱鸟
I've got you in my sights, you wee bird!
What are you doing?
Now it's my turn.
别着急狗狗 我还想留点乐子慢慢享受
Now, don't be hasty, dog. I was just having a wee bit of fun. 乐子?
妈 妈 你看 他又出现了
Mom, Mom! It's happening again.
宝贝 什么都没有啊
Honey, there's nothing there.
- 嘿 只是善意地提醒 - 谢默斯
Hey! Just a friendly reminder. - Seamus!
Your mission is still to protect...
Catherine, snap out of it.
对不起 对不起 我从来没看到这么多的水...
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I've never seen so much of it.
噢 天啊 我不想看到都不行 我也想帮你 但是...
Oh, God, I can't even look at it. I wanna help you, but... - 这没什么 - 迪格斯 不
Here goes nothing! - Diggs, no!
No guts, no glory.
No brakes!
听着 你那身奇怪套装能帮你度过难关吗 毛毛脸
Take that! How's your fancy suit working out for you now, fur face? 等等
Where's Kitty Galore?
正在准备 野性的呼唤
Preparing the Call of the Wild.
很快的 你的狗脑袋将不再灵光 他将会抓狂的崩溃
Soon your feeble canine brains will feel her wrath, and dogkind will crumble! 都给你说就好了
Smack him around!
Your pecking days are over, bird.
Kitty knows your pal Nicky gave you the blueprints.
Blueprints? What blueprints?
放开我 放开我
Let go, let go.
先停一下 迪格斯 我问他个问题
Stand down, Diggs. I'll question him from here.
- 才不要 - 够了!我说退下
Negative. - That's enough! I said stand down!
I got him, pops. I know what I'm...
嘿 安格斯 我们现在可以开始吃冰淇淋了吗?
Hey, Angus. Now can we get ice cream?
迪格斯 你又搞砸了
Diggs! You've ruined everything.
你先是让鸽子跑掉 接着又害我们困在猫沙
First you let the carrier pigeon get away. Then you almost drowned us in kitty litter. 而现在又让麦克杜格尔双胞胎跑了
And now you've let the MacDougalls escape!
至少我还没炸掉这条船 我是说 像这样的事
Well, I didn't blow up the ferry. I mean, that's something.
我受够了 你根本就是朽木不可雕也
I've had it with you. You're untrainable.
我会跟卢兄说 我是对的 你根本不可能成为探员的
I told Lou you didn't have what it takes to be an agent, and I was right.
- 你的意思是? - 我告诉你可以回家了 迪格斯
What are you saying? - I'm saying go home, Diggs.
You're off this team.
我是不太想打断你们 不过我不是还好好的吗?
I don't wanna be rude, but the bird's still all good, right?
来吧 谢默斯 我们还有工作要做
Come on, Seamus. We've got work to do.
What about you?
我会赶上你的 我得先跟猫底联系情况
I'll catch up with you. I need to check in with MEOWS first. 随你便
Suit yourself.
祝你好运了 狗狗
Good luck, dog.
You don't have to pretend to check in with MEOWS... 就直接说 谢谢我救了你的命
...just so you can thank me for saving your life.
嗯.. 其实我是真的要跟猫底联系的
Uh, I do have to check in with MEOWS.
噢 是吗
Oh, right.
不过 我还是要感谢你 救了我一命
But I, um, also want to thank you for saving my life. - 嘿 你受伤了 - 噢 我没事
Hey, you're hurt. - No, I'm fine.
噢 太糟了 硬汉 跟我来 我帮你包扎
Well, too bad, tough guy. You're coming with me to get fixed up. - 先生 你有看到这只狗吗? - 没有
Sir, you haven't seen this dog, have you? - Sorry.
- 喂, 你好? - 嗨 甜心 是我
Hello? - Hi, sweetheart, it's me.
- 嗨 亲爱的 - 怎么样了?你找到他了吗?
Hey, honey. - How's it going? Did you find him?
不 还没有 我真的不敢相信会发生这种事
No, nothing yet. I can't believe I let this happen.
这不是你的错 你已经尽力了
It wasn't your fault. You're doing everything you can.
是的 我知道 我只觉得 我好像一转头就能找到他一样 Yeah, I know. I just feel like I'm so close to finding him. 你先回家 然后我们一起找
Come home and we'll look together.
- 他在哪?他在哪? - 嘿
Where is he? Where is he? - Hey!
- 嘿 - 我没时间了
Hey! - I'm running out of time.
- 那只傻鸽子在哪里? - 我不知道
Where is that stupid pigeon? - I don't know.
嘿 这不是我的猫吗 你干嘛这么说呢 珍珠猫?
Hey, there's my cat. What do you say there, Kitty?
And where have you been?
嘿 冷静点 我难道不能找尊铜像歇一会吗
Hey, calm down. Can't a guy take a statue break?
- 太好了 我正好需要这最后一块电脑晶片
Excellent. This computer chip is the last piece I need.
Now no one can stand in my way.
- 那是啥玩意? - 那是我的主人
What was that? - That, my dear?
那只是个小魔术 用来困住自己而已
That's just a loose end that's conveniently tied itself up.
我的主人今晚不在 所以可以轻松点 我先跟猫底联系
My humans are out tonight, so relax while I check in with MEOWS. 来吧 迪格斯 先过一支爪子 其他再跟进
Come on, Diggs. Just one paw after the other.
- 如果我侄女们来烦你的话... - 侄女们?
If my nieces give you any trouble... - Nieces?
大家快来看 凯瑟琳阿姨带了只狗朋友回家
Look, guys. Auntie Catherine brought home a friend. And he's a doggy! 好吧 呃....
Okay. Um...
嘿 你好
Hi. Hello.
凯瑟琳,你能帮我离开这吗? 这口味对我来说实在是太可爱了 Catherine, could you help me out here? This is too adorable for my taste. 谣传狗狗肚子上都有个弱点 如果搔那里的话 你的脚就会跟着抖吗? Is it true there's a spot on your tummy, and if I tickle it, your foot will shake? 才没有这回事呢
No, that's just a myth.
被你发现了 噢 我的天啊
You found it! Oh, boy!
天啊 爽翻天了
Oh, boy, that's it.
- 好了 闹够了喔 女孩们 - 我的天啊
All right, girls. That's enough. - Man.
- 噢 - 给这只可怜狗狗一点空间吧
Leave the poor mutt alone.
- 玩的真不过瘾 - 再见 小狗狗
No fair. - Bye-bye, puppy.
现在 让我们来看看受伤的脚吧
Now, let's have a look at that paw.
噢 只是被小碎片刺伤而已
Oh, it's just a little splinter.
真的吗?我怎么感觉它大概有六尺长 好痛!
Really? It feels like a giant six-inch spike. Like a... Ouch!
- 少来了 - 我的侄女们可是比这更麻烦
Oh, come on. My nieces are tougher than that.
对啊 她们真是很离谱
Yeah, they're unbelievable.
我的意思是 我是只狗 我真不敢相信她们居然不讨厌我 I mean, I'm a dog. I can't believe they don't hate me.
我想 她们还没被教坏吧
Well, I guess they haven't learned to yet.
总之 非常的感谢你 帮我疗伤 我想我该回家了
Anyway, listen, thanks for fixing me up. I should be heading home now. 回家啊?所以你家在哪?
Home, huh? So where do you live?
噢.. 欧... 就是... 在那个...
Oh, uh, well, it was over at the...
你知道吗 我和家里现在可能有点那个... 所以我可能就是回... You know, I'm kind of between homes right now, so I'll probably just... 我可能就是回训练所的狗窝
I'll just head back to the kennel.
The kennel? That's terrible.
不 那边还算不错的 真的
No, it's fine. Really, it's fine.
迪格斯 你这一生有多少时间是在铁笼里度过的?
Diggs, how much time have you spent in kennels?
我想 打从我一出生还在当小狗狗就开始了
I guess I was just a pup when I first got dropped off.
我的主人说他会马上回来接我 不过...
My owner said he'd be right back, but...
Well, how did you finally get out?
我的恩人 尚恩 他是个警察
My man, Shane. He's a cop.
I guess he saw something in me nobody else did.
Made me his partner.
所以我发誓 我一定不要让他对我失望
And I swore I was never gonna let him down.
除非没办法 不然我再也不想回狗窝里了
There was no way I was ever gonna wind up in the kennel again. 然后呢?
And then what?
I wound up in the kennel again.
不管我多么努力认真 却还是不断把事情搞砸
No matter how hard I try, I just keep messing things up.
Or blowing things up.
呃 我想也许这一切
Uh, could all of this have something to do with...
可能跟你为了拯救生命 不顾自身安全而违抗命令有关
...not being able to follow an order to save your life?
But it's not like I don't wanna follow orders.
It's just, I learned pretty early on...
体会到了 唯一能够相信的只有自己
...that the only one I could count on, the only one I could really trust, was me. 只有这样 才没有人会让我失望
That way, no one could ever let me down.
Yeah, but no one can help you either.
嘿 你家门铃真有趣
Hey, funky doorbell.
不 那是猫底 来吧 我们快走
No, it's MEOWS. Come on, let's go.
A room full of cats? Try and stop me!
天啊 又来了 我出生时装的盒子都比这个大
Oh, man, here we go again. I was born in a box bigger than this.
噢 你踩到我的尾巴了啦 等等
Will you get off my tail? Hang on.
喔 对 高速电梯我搭过一次了
Oh, right, the dropping-floor thing, I've seen one... Oh!
呃... 我需要一点帮忙
Uh... Little help here?
Welcome to MEOWS.
先生 你这不是紧急状况 你还剩7条命呢
This is not an emergency, sir. You still have seven lives left.
好了 迪格斯 不要叫 也不要流口水
Okay, Diggs, no barking, no drooling...
最重要的是 不准追赶我的同伴们
...and definitely no chasing my colleagues.
泰博 探员47向您报告
Tab, Agent 47 reporting for duty.
警告!警告! 这里已经被渗透
Alert! Alert! The perimeter has been breached.
大家不要跑啊 我正努力的克制不要去追赶你们
Guys, please, can you stop running? I'm fighting the urge to chase you. 不不 泰博 他没问题的 他是我们一伙的
No, no, Tab, he's cool. He's with me.
噢 凯瑟琳 我突然觉得我跟傻瓜一样的跳上这里
Oh, Catherine. I feel like an idiot up here.
先退下 旅长 饶他条狗命
Stand down, brigadier. The dog lives.
噢 真是的 这玩意到底要几时才能派上用场
Oh, man! I never get to use this thing!
We're outsourcing?
他看起来是不是有狂犬病? 他看起来好像真的有
Does he look rabid to you? He looks rabid to me.
我们已经从上次发现的威胁影片中 截取一段录音
We've isolated a voice on Kitty Galore's threat recording.
I will enslave all mankind!
珍珠猫 我到家了
Kitty! I'm home!
是人类 那绝对是人类的声音
A human. Definitely human.
倒个带 - 好的
Back up. - Right.
Now zoom in.
我瞧瞧 没想到被叮当说中了
Well, I'll be. Tinkles was right.
在猫眼里 你将看透一切
A cat's eye does reveal everything.
泰博 把画面左右反转
Tab, flip the image.
" 查克的魔术大观园"
"Chuck the Magnificent."
好的 让我们来看看
Okay, let's see.
啊哈 找到了
Aha. Here we are.
Playland, huh?
So who's up for a corn dog?
Can I ask you something?
别问怪问题就好 你知道的 你听过 " 舌头被猫偷走" 这句话吗? Don't take this wrong. You know that saying, "Cat got your tongue"? 当然有啊
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You're not gonna steal my tongue, are you?
那只是个形容词而已 迪格斯
It's an expression, Diggs.
老兄 你开车像个女生
Man, you drive like a girl.
不 迪格斯 你错了 我开车像只猫
No, Diggs, I drive like a cat.
好了 现在快当只好狗狗 把头伸出车窗外吧
Now, be a good dog and stick your head out the window.
停车 停车 欢迎来到游乐园 请付停车费五元
Brake, brake, brake. - Welcome to Playland. Parking is $5. 玩的开心点啊 先生
Enjoy the park, sir.
This place looks pretty secure.
So how exactly are we planning on getting in there?
Wait a second.
I know what to do.
Butch taught me this.
这是个小小的把戏 我喜欢把他叫做 " 我丢你捡"
This is a little maneuver I like to call "Fetch a Stick."
We haven't got much time.
Look for something that resembles a bologna with a head. 真好玩啊 这个
Okay there. Yikes.
凯瑟琳,我真希望这次 不要像追自己尾巴一样徒劳无功 Catherine, I sure hope we're not chasing our tails here.
现在是.. ?
What the...?
你在找我吗 亲爱的
Is this what it's come to, darlings?
Cats and dogs working together?
你可以说我老古董 但我还是喜欢猫狗彼此讨厌的时代
Call me old-fashioned, but I preferred it when we all hated each other. 别担心 我们仍然讨厌你
Don't worry. We still hate you.
Not even a mother could love that face.
猫底 这里是探员4...
MEOWS! This is Agent 4...
- 嘿!你想干嘛? - 凯瑟琳!
Hey! What are you doing? - Catherine!
不 我的项圈
No! My collar!
In the still
- Of the night - Shoo-doop, doobie-doop
I held you
我不知道 也许我对那孩子太严厉了
I don't know. Maybe I was too hard on the kid.
看看我找到啥 一些棉线 一些树枝 一些橡皮筋
Let's see, some thread, some twigs, a rubber band...
不对喔 两条橡皮筋才对
Scratch that, two rubber bands!
实在太幸运了 你说对不对
What a lucky... You talking about lucky...
- 你刚说我们要找的是什么? - 一张蓝图
Wait, what are we are looking for? - The blueprints.
那只猫说的 你表哥尼奇把蓝图放在你这里
The cat on the ferry said your cousin Nicky gave you blueprints. 噢 耶
Oh, yeah.
- 我还是自己来吧 - 这是我家耶
Let me look. - This is my house!
你会弄坏我的房子 我的保险理赔不含这个
You'll ruin this place. My insurance doesn't cover this.
This is why my landlord said no pets.
你总是有办法的 布奇 你总是最耀眼的那个
Well, always great having you over, Butch. You're the life of the party.
嘿 为什么珍珠猫的名字会写在我家的壁纸上
Hey, what's Kitty Galore's name doing on my wallpaper?
这不是你家壁纸 这是一张超大卫星的蓝图
That's not wallpaper. That's a blueprint for a giant satellite dish.
This is worse than we thought!
也许她只是想看免费的HBO 频道
She's trying to get free HBO.
This is why Kitty's after you.
Your Cousin Nicky stashed this here.
项圈 启动相机
Collar: Camera.
总部 收到讯号没有?
HQ, you getting this?
我的老天爷 他足足有三楼这么高
Holy lawn log. That thing is three stories tall.
如果这个装置真的完成了 那我们最大的噩梦就成现实了
If this device is real, it's our worst fears come true.
卢兄 猫底在这 我们刚刚收到 从凯瑟琳那发出的求救讯号
Lou, MEOWS here. We just picked up a distress signal from Catherine. 她和你的探员迪格斯在一起
She's with one of your agents. - Diggs!
他们追踪线索找到珍珠猫藏身地点 游乐园
They were chasing a lead on Kitty's hideout, a place called Playland.
你在找的地方叫 查克的大观园
You're looking for one Chuck the Magnificent.
泰博 我传送蓝图资料给你 布奇 快去救我们的探员
Tab, I'm sending you a blueprint. Butch, go get our agent.
Copy that! I just hope the kid's okay.
So this is how it ends for me.
在马戏团帐篷里 把我和猫绑在一起 这计划真棒啊 珍珠猫
In a circus tent, chained to a cat. Great master plan, Kitty.
不要抱怨我的计划好吗 尤其是你还没听我说明 不是吗?
Bup-bup-bup. Don't judge my master plan until you've heard the whole thing, huh? 你知道的 再20分钟 我将会开始播放...
You see, in 20 minutes, I will begin broadcasting...
...the Call of the Wild!
而在地球上的每只狗 都会变成疯狗 直到永远!
And every canine on this planet will become a mad dog, forever! 好像我真的得相信我听到那个怪声音之后
Like I'm supposed to believe a bunch of weird sounds...
会让我" 变成疯狗 直到永远" !
...are gonna make me a "mad dog, forever."
噢 看来你已经清楚的很了
Ah. So you do understand.
我还以为 这些复杂的事 对狗来说很难理解
I was worried the whole thing was a tad complicated.
你知道的 狗嘛
You know, for a dog.
小豹 给我们的好朋友看看 我们的模拟投影装置
Paws! Let's show our friends what we have up our metaphorical sleeve. 狗的听觉一向比较灵敏 总是被当做是最大的优点之一
A dog's sensitive hearing has always been considered a tactical advantage. 不过现在 却变成了他们的最大梦魇
But now, it will be their downfall.
Look at
他们甚至认不出自己的主人 人类更是摸不着头绪
They're even turning on their owners. Humans have no idea what's happened. 这只狗已经彻底疯掉了
Their dogs have all gone mad!
And there's only one place for a mad dog.
不 不 不要是狗笼
No, no. Not the kennels.
是的 就是狗笼
Yes, yes, the kennels!
Where they will be forever alone...
多余 失宠
...unwanted, unloved.
是不是很熟悉啊 迪格斯警官
Seem familiar, Officer Diggs?
真有你的 珍珠猫 不过这世界上的狗狗多的是
Nice try, Kitty. But there's a lot of dogs in this world.
你能怎么办 挨家挨户的让他们听怪声吗?
What are you gonna do, go door-to-door with your sound?
That would take you the rest of your nine lives.
你说的对 除非我有个卫星
That's true. Unless I had a satellite.
Why do you think I've been telling you this?
I got time to kill until my satellite's in position.
然后 当我发射讯号
Then, once I beam the signal...
...it will instantly broadcast from every TV, radio and cell phone on earth! 好了 表演结束
Okay, show's over.
不不 我不会让你称心如意的 珍珠猫
No, no! You'll never get away with this, Kitty!
噢 我总是期待有个人能对我说 " 我不会让你称心如意的" I was hoping someone would say I'll never get away with this. 这样才能让我在这么做时 感到无比的满足
It'll make it so much more satisfying when I do!
现在 把屁股坐好放松一下
Now, sit back and relax.
Perhaps you'd care for a drink of water?
不 不要水 不要水
No! Water. Not water.
Anything but water.
拜托 珍珠猫 我不会游泳
Please, Kitty. I can't swim.
那更好 我喜欢你不会游泳
Perfect. I don't want you to swim.
I want you to drown!
We're almost at Playland.
噢 要我选的话 我第一个一定选过山车
Oh, if there's one ride we should go on, it's the roller coaster.
We're not going on any rides.
别害怕 我会握住你的狗掌的 大宝宝
Don't be scared. I'll hold your paw, big baby.
- 一定有个办法离开这里 - 凯瑟琳,听着
There's gotta be a way out of here. - Catherine, listen.
也许这是我人生的尽头了 所以我想 我能跟你说 我有点喜欢你 Since this is the end, I guess I can say I think I might like you.
- 迪格斯 停下 - 不 嘘 先让我讲完
Diggs, stop. - No. Shh. Don't say anything.
我知道这有点反常 但是我觉得我们之间正在萌芽 I know it's uncomfortable, but I think we're buds. 就是这样 我要说我喜欢一只猫
There, I said it. I like a cat.
I feel so free!
不 别说了 我可以用你的项圈
No, stop! I can use your collar!
不 它做不来任何事 甚至不能赶走跳蚤
No, it doesn't do anything. It's not even good for fleas. 不 如果我把它松开...
No, if I could just get it loose...
...I can pick the lock.
干的好 现在换我
Nice work! Okay, now me.
不用担心 迪格斯 我会救你离开这里的 Don't worry, Diggs. I'll get you out of here.
不 凯瑟琳 没有时间了 你必须先去阻止珍珠猫 No, Catherine. There's no time. You gotta stop Kitty. 我不会抛下你的 迪格斯
I'm not leaving you, Diggs.
加油 凯瑟琳 你办的到
Come on, Catherine. You can do this.
噢 看来你欠我很多喔
Oh, you owe me bigtime, dog.
Yeah, about what I said before, about liking cats... - 从没发生过 - 谢谢你
Never happened. - Thank you.
嗨 珍珠猫 抱歉 我练习花了太多时间了 Hey, Kitty! Sorry, practice went a little long. 你在哪里 小女孩
Where are you, girl?
查克 你真是够笨的 原来钥匙在这里
Chuck, you're a grade-A doofus. Here they are. 珍珠猫
You in here?
不要担心 珍珠猫 每个人都会有怯场的时候的
Don't worry, Kitty. We all get stage fright sometimes.
We can get through this together.
The show must go on!
Just need five minutes.
Maybe 10.
爆米花 你有没有想要啊? 你知道路边摊 最棒的地方在哪吗? Caramel corn. You have any idea what the street value of that is? - 是谢默斯的声音? - 在这里
Is that Seamus? - Over here!
我们这么努力的拯救世界 没理由不给我吃刨冰吧
There's no reason we can't save the world and get snow cones. - 嘿 大家好啊 - 凯瑟琳
Hey, guys. - Catherine!
- 菜鸟 - 布奇
Rookie! - Butch.
项圈 开启通讯
Collar: Comlink.
总部 我们找到凯瑟琳和迪格斯了
干的好 布奇 快去找珍珠猫的卫星设备
Nice work, Butch. Now find Kitty's device.
Where could Kitty be hiding that satellite dish?
卫星这么大 可不是随便就能藏起来的
It must be huge. You can't just hide something like that.
给我等一下 那个游乐设施看起来有点像...
Hey, wait a second. That ride looks kind of like a...
不会吧 你太天才了
It sure does. - Genius!
什么? 可是我怎么看都不像是一个巨大的卫星...
What? All I see is a giant satellite-dish-looking...
大家 先躲起来
Team, huddle up.
- 是时候了 - 拯救狗狗 拯救世界
It's go time.- Save the dogs, save the world.
首先要做的是 爬到游乐设施的最上面
First thing to do, get on top of that ride.
等一下 这个游乐设施有身高限制吗?
Yes! Wait. Is there a height requirement for this ride?
Behold my glorious device!
小心点 小美味
Careful, Scrumptious.
如果光碟被刮伤 我就刮伤你
Scratch that disc, I scratch you.
就在这个时刻 地球即将臣服在我的猫爪下
In mere moments, the planet becomes my scratching post!
不好意思 有没有人看到我的助理
Excuse me, has anyone seen my assistant?
She kind of looks like a raw chicken.
噢 我的天 珍珠猫
Oh, my Lord! Kitty!
Get down from there!
Let's get this party started.
我的卫星一定位 我就把开关按下去 传送讯号
As soon as my satellite is in position, I hit the button and upload the signal! What?
3 2 1....\nThree, two, one...
What in the world?
I love being a spy dog! Yeah!
Why am I doing this?
踩煞车 踩煞车 踩煞车
Brakes, brakes, brakes.
嘿 看我的猫踢
Hey, Catzilla!
太好了 完美落地
Yes! Perfect landing.
给我小心点 珍珠猫 因为谢默斯我要来踢你的...
Watch out, Kitty, because Seamus is about to kick your... Ah! Ooh! 小豹!去阻止他们
Paws! Stop them!
珍珠猫 什么?
Kitty! Where...?
Ah! It's so tangly!
Is that the magician?
Ooh. This guy is amazing.
卫星快要定位了 好的 我们分析了蓝图...
The satellite is almost in position. Okay, we've analyzed the blueprints... 我们发现在卫星设备上有一个自爆按钮
...and we think there's a kill switch on that device.
看那边 那个红色按钮应该就是了
Look! That red button. It looks like an off switch.
- 我们必须爬上那个控制面板 - 狗狗金字塔
We have to get up to that control panel. - The pyramid.
- 上次在老奶奶家的那招 - 好主意
From the cat-lady house. - Good thinking.
- 你知道该怎样做了 - 没错
You know what to do. - Right!
等等 你们在干嘛?
Wait! What are you doing?
我够不到按钮 现在怎么办?
I can't reach it! Now what?
Ta-da! It's a bird. It's a plane.
都不是 是在关键时刻的我
Nope, had it right the first time.
不好意思 原谅我 鸽子要来拯救大家了
Excuse me. Pardon me. Pigeon to the rescue.
Here I come!
我是说 谢谢你
I mean, thank you.
你们这些蠢货! 并不是每个红色按钮都是自爆按钮
You fools! Not every red button is an off switch.
坐稳了 小朋友们
So buckle up, kiddies.
The real ride has just begun.
The signal's fired.
正在上传" 野性的呼唤" 讯号到卫星上
The satellite's uploading the Call of the Wild.
Butch? Butch are you there? Talk to me!
Yes, boss, I have the satellite codes with me.
No, I didn't leave them in the truck. You think I'm stupid? 哪有,就在我手上啊
No, they are with me.
是 我马上把它收好
Ja, I'm inputting them right now.
好的,我不会让你失望的 帮我向你老婆问好 Yeah, I'm working very hard. Say hello to your wife. 哦,你们离婚了啊? 真抱歉,好的 再见 Oh, she left you. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, bye.
Little puppy
What are you doing here?
It's so cold.
Come inside and warm up with Freidrich.
Come here. Yes.
乖乖 乖乖
Hello. Hello.
I found a new companion for you.
快跟你的新朋友打招呼啊 “喂, 你好”
Say hi to your new friend. "Hello."
我是新来的 我们当好朋友吧
"I'm your new friend. We are friends."
Stop it! It's only a little puppy.
Now you sound angry.
Stop it! He can hear you!
Close your mouth.
不可以!雷克斯 你怎么变这么不乖
No! Rex! This is so illogical!
雷克斯... 你到底怎么了?
Rex! Rex, what's wrong with you?
过来... 给我到外面去 不可以
Come. Come. Outside. No!
你的教养都跑哪去了? 坐下... 给我坐下! 来者是客
Where are your manners? Sit! Sit! Sit down! We have a guest. 你给我在这里反省 直到你变乖为止
You will stay out here till you learn how to behave!
噢,不会吧 锁住了?
Oh, no. Locked?
But how?
State your business.
探员编号 127 请求援助
Agent 127 breaking radio silence.
I have spotted Kitty Galore.
重复一次 我发现了珍珠猫
I repeat, I have spotted Kitty Galore.
片名:猫狗大战2 珍珠猫大反扑
Cats and Dogs The Revenge of Kitty Galore 2010
旧金山市 加州
We've all seen his commercials...
... 不过今天的卡利托看起来非常狂野 已经是到了失控的地步 ...but today it appears Crazy Carlito really is off his rocker.
他声称的他的薪水不如人 但现在看来 他的行为也是不如人 He's claimed his prices are insane. Now it appears he is too. 目前场面非常的紧张 我们只能期待有人来解决这场闹剧
The situation is tense as we wait for someone to come end this standoff. 尚恩 过来这里
Shane, get over here.
迪格斯 原地待着
Diggs, stay.
快告诉我目前的状况 队长
Give me the situation, captain.
We've got a first-class nutcase here.
Four hostages inside.
All used-car salesmen.
I've got mixed feelings about this one.
那个怪人花样还真多 手拿着引爆器
That wacko so much as changes channels on that thing... ... 墙壁上还布满了炸弹
...and this whole lot explodes.
Only one thing to do here.
你是我的猎物 你是口到擒来的猎物
You are mine. You are so mine.
I'll do it! - All I can...
你们敢过来的话 我就给你们一声“碰!”
Come any closer and the last thing you'll hear is "boom"! 迪格斯 不要
Diggs. No.
快离开那 快走
Get out of there! Get out!
快走 大家 照他说的走吧
Get out! - Guys, let's go!
快离开那 迪格斯
Get out of there! Diggs!
迪格斯 快走啊
Diggs, go, go!
你们想看精彩的烟火 我就放给你们看!
You want fireworks, I'll show you fireworks! 我只要按下这个按钮....
All I have to do is push this button...
... 就爆给你看!
...and boom!
Oh, yeah!
迪格斯 不要
Diggs! No!
炸弹要爆炸了 全员往后撤退
It's gonna blow! -Hold those people back!
快找掩护 重复一遍 快找掩护
Take cover! I repeat! Take cover!
Hold on.
你要让那个家伙加入我们? 他刚炸了那家车行耶
You wanna recruit that guy? He just blew up a car dealership!
是家二手车行啦 也是 他想当个警察可能还差的远
A used-car dealership. True, he may not be a great cop.
但是他很有资质 可以成为一位很优秀的探员
But he has the potential to be a great agent.
他很行 出生入死都不在话下 而且受过近战专业训练
He's fearless, barks in the face of danger, and is trained in paw-to-paw combat. 加上讨厌别人命令他 但重要的是 他最恨...
Plus the only thing he hates more than following orders...
... 猫咪
...is cats.
Well, hating cats is good.
这正是我们所需要的 这才能对抗珍珠猫
And exactly what we need to take down Kitty Galore.
算了 我不认为你找的到 会有哪个傻蛋会跟这种天才合作
Fine. But I don't know who you'll find dumb enough to partner with him. 别担心 我已经有适合的人选了
Easy. I'm barking right at him.
It's you
oh my god...
- 停职? - 那只狗是个瘟神
Suspended? - This dog is a disaster.
我要重新送他回训练营 我算算 已经是第三次了吗?
We've sent him to obedience school, what, three times now?
And he still won't listen.
Don't put him back in the system.
那边老是把他被关在笼子里 他到现在从没有一个安稳的家
He's been in and out of kennels his whole life. He's never had a home. 我告诉你 我会领养他
I'll tell you what, I will adopt him.
抱歉了 尚恩 他属于国家资产
Sorry, Shane. He's state property.
况且 你家还有个刚诞生的小宝宝
Besides, you have a new baby now.
你不需要为自己添这种麻烦 让他去吧 尚恩
You don't need this kind of trouble at home. Let him go, Shane.
Let him go.
队长 请不要逼我这样做
Captain, please don't make me do this. 干的真好啊 迪格斯
Nice one, Diggs.
我很抱歉 迪格斯
I'm sorry, Diggs.
I know you tried.
凡是你都会尽力 只是有时候过了头
You always try. Just sometimes a little too hard. 努力的当个好警犬
Like this cop thing.
有的时候 你也可以放松一下
Sometimes you just gotta play with others. 不要太努力去当个好狗狗
It's not always about being the top dog. 迪格斯 我很抱歉 好兄弟
Diggs, I'm sorry, buddy.
I'll do everything I can to get you out of here. 在那之前 你要乖乖的
Until then, you be a good boy.
我爱你 好兄弟
I love you, buddy.
这应该不算太糟 对吧?
This isn't so bad, right?
地板 你好啊 铁笼 你安啊
How's it going, floor? What's up, cage? 饭碗 好久不见?
Que pasa, bowl?
你们大家有想我吗? 不用太想 因为我回来了 Did you guys miss me? Because I'm back! 又再次回到狗窝了
Back in the kennel again.
嘿... 这是怎样..
Hey! What...? What the...?
好的好的 你吓到我了
Okay, okay, this is creeping me out.
喂, 你好 有人在吗?
Hello? Anyone home?
喂, 你好
你是谁? 是谁把电梯装在那的?
Who are you? When did they put an elevator in there?
我是特别探员布奇 要来告诉你一个好消息
Name's Special Agent Butch, and against better judgment...
... 你被选中加入一个特别单位
...you're being recruited into an organization...
... 你将协助我们来打击邪恶组织
...to help fight the spread of radical felinism.
好吧.. 是有人在跟我开玩笑吗?
Okay, is somebody pulling my tail here?
这不是玩笑 迪格斯
This isn't a joke, Diggs.
- 你怎么知道我的名字的?
How do you know my name?
- 你没看到我从地板冒出来吗?
- I just came up out of the floor.
Let's assume I'm smart enough to know your name.
告诉你 当你还在跟同梯的互追尾巴时...
While you and your cop buddies are here chasing your tails...
there's an elite team of dogs charged with the noble responsibility...
of protecting mankind.
We want you to join that team.
你的机会只有一次 迪格斯. 我想你不会不答应的
This is a one-time-only offer, Diggs. I suggest you say yes.
听起来很诱人 但我想光是这样讲讲 怎么能让我就这样答应
It's tempting, but I can't just say yes to every offer that comes through that floor. 孩子 你大半辈子都关在这个鸟地方
Kid, you already spent half your life locked up in this place.
There's a good chance you'll spend the rest of your life here.
不过 选择权还是在你
But the choice is yours.
你可以留在这里 抓抓蟑螂 吃干饲料...
You can stay here and fight roaches over your kibble...
或是加入我们 一起对抗猫党
or you can come with me and fight cats.
Fight cats? Why didn't you say so?
现在 浪子不再徘徊了 有只狗已经准备好要狩猎了
Now, move over, Rover, this dog's ready to hunt!
噢 我的天啊
Oh, my dog!
准备好出发 小心不要吓到哭了喔
I just vacuumed the seats, so try not to shed.
Come on!
哇呜,我们现在正高速前进 对不对?
Wow, we're going really fast, aren't we?
好刺激啊!我真不敢相信 实在太爽了!
This is nice! This is enjoyable. I'm enjoying this.
- 你还好吧 大人物 - 我很好!
Sure you're okay, big shot? -Fine, good.
不 不好 一点都不好
No, not good. Not good.
Yeah, I'm gonna barf.
我是探员 3293. 我已经完成任务了
This is Agent 3293. I've got the package.
要注意 菜鸟第一次搭总是会晕车
Careful, now. New recruits sometimes get a little woozy after their first ride. 你没事吧 菜鸟
Are you okay there, rookie?
我没事的 一点事儿都没有
Yeah, I'm good. Totally fine.
不知道为什么整个房间一直在转 我先在这躺一下
I'm just gonna lay down here till the room stops spinning.
该走了 超级狗狗 好玩的才要开始而已
Let's go, superdog. The fun's just beginning.
我怎觉得 你说的好玩的跟我想的不太一样
I think we have different definitions of "fun."
Just wait.
现在先给你心理准备 孩子
Now prepare yourself, kid.
You're about to experience something no human and very few canines ever see. 你好啊 布奇探员 现在启动狗掌扫描
Greetings, Agent Butch. Activate paw scan now.
This is like Petco meets Vegas.
" 今日课程:工作上的烦恼"
Today's seminar, "Harassment in the Workplace."
Doberman or not, do not pinch her.
欢迎来到狗党总部 我们所有的联络都会经过这里
Welcome to Dog HQ, the nexus of our whole operation.
麦奇 你要不要一起吃午餐啊? 不吃了 我不喜欢你 卡尔 Mike, you wanna grab lunch? -I don't like you, Carl.
我们都非常的单纯 毛茸茸般的单纯 不像人类那样复杂 We're the thin, furry line between humans and total chaos. 跟上我 孩子
Try and keep up, kid.
大家快看我 我是个滑板 我是个滑板
Hey, guys, watch. I'm skateboarding, I'm skateboarding!
Our elite agents work and train 24/7...
要来打击所有敌人 刚刚才开始习惯
to combat all enemies, foreign and domesticated.
常有人说" 狗是人类最忠实的朋友" 这句话对我们来说非常重要 We take the saying "man's best friend" very seriously here. - 跟不跟? - 当然要啦
All in? - Why not?
- 嗨 布奇 - 嗨 瘦皮
Hey, Butch. - Hey, Slim.
Why do we do all this?
To make sure it never becomes a cat-eat-dog world out there. 噢 你好啊 美人儿
Oh, hello, ladies!
我不喜欢你离开我 但我喜欢看你与我远走
Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave.
把口水擦一擦 快来 我要帮你介绍一下
Stop drooling already. Come on, I want to introduce you to someone. 你要帮我介绍小妞啊?拜托你了
Could you introduce me to them, please?
嘿 等等我
Hey, wait up.
最火的狗 要闪啦!
Hot dog, coming through!
DOG: 三 二 一 箱神发射
Three, two, one. Fire the catapult.
嘿 在这里你要留意你的脚步 不要随便碰任何东西
Hey, watch your paws in here. Don't touch anything.
嘿 最近好吗? 伙伴
Hey, how you doing, buddy?
这里有只猫 快找掩护!
It's some kind of cat! Get back!
喵呜?啊!我忘了摘下来 这是猫咪面具3000型
Meow? Oh, I forgot. This is the Catamatron 3000.
这能让你听懂猫话 而且看起来就跟猫一模一样
It trains you to think like the enemy. Literally.
Someone's been playing fetch with the ugly stick.
这是皮克 他是我们最棒的技术顾问
This is Peek, tech specialist and head of Covert Ops.
- 你好 - 有何贵干?
Hi. - What up, dog?
皮克 你那边现在有什么实际工作?
So, Peek, you got anything that actually works?
Follow me.
布奇 你的新装备是这个 狗项圈7号 通讯设备
Butch, your collar is fitted with the Rawhide-7 communications package. 自动开锁 捕捉网 低功率雷射
Lock pick, netting, helium-neon laser...
抓钩 还有能让你口气清新的 芳香剂
...grappling hook and liver-scented breath freshener.
And this is yours.
Sweet! What's it do?
Holds your name tag on your neck.
布奇 你看起变瘦了耶
Butch, you've lost some weight.
真抱歉 我是迪格斯 而且我帅的多了
Sorry, my name's Diggs and I always look this good.
山姆 我在这啦
Sam. I'm over here.
抱歉 老板希望能先见见你们
Sorry. The boss wants to see you two pronto.
把刘海剪一剪啦 你这嬉皮士
Get a haircut, you hippie.
恭喜你了 巴特卡普探员
Congratulations, Agent Buttercup...
恭喜你生了个儿子 跟儿子 跟女儿 跟儿子 跟女儿 跟女儿 ...on the birth of your son, son, daughter, son, daughter, daughter... 跟儿子 跟女儿 跟儿子
...son, daughter, son.
请坐 绅士们
Have a seat, gentlemen.
不 别在那 不是要你坐在沙发
No, off. Off the couch.
- 给我离开那沙发 - 抱歉抱歉
Off the couch! - Sorry. Sorry.
你们刚从外面回来 满身脏
You guys were outside, and you're dirty.
因为我们是外派探员啊 卢
Because we're field agents, Lou.
我们可没办法跟你一样 穿着丑毛衣坐在办公室
We can't all be desk jockeys like you, sitting around wearing ugly sweaters. 嘿 我喜欢这件毛衣耶 这可是我奶奶送我
Hey, I like this sweater. It was a gift from my grandma.
Can you give it back?
好吧 你就是那个喜欢炸房子的狗吗?
So you're the dog who likes to blow up buildings.
对啦... 不过那是个意外
Yeah, that was an accident.
看来你闯的意外还不少嘛 迪格斯
You seem to have a lot of accidents, Diggs.
你就帮帮忙少说点 现在可以跟我说我来这到底要干嘛?
Can we just cut to the chase already and get to why I'm here?
当然可以 在三个小时前 我们拦截到一个讯号
Of course. Three hours ago, we intercepted this transmission...
...from a mysterious villain from the feline underworld.
我相信 这是传给全部的猫党同志的
We believe this was meant for all cats.
Take a look.
你好啊 我未来的喽啰们
Greetings, my future feline followers.
我是 珍珠猫
My name is Kitty Galore.
恶... 长成这样也能叫猫吗?
Is that even a cat?
请容许我介绍我最爱的小东西 小美味
And may I present the most adorable creature in my life, little Scrumptious. - 问声好啊 亲爱的 - 救救我
Say hello, darling. - Help me.
狗的时代已经结束了 不再会有" 人类最好朋友" 这种东西
The age of the dog as man's so-called "best friend" is over!
两天内 我会散布一种声音 只有那些口水流不停的狗能听到
In two days, I will unleash a sound only those droolbag dogs can hear. 这声音非常的吓人 非常的恐怖...
A sound so devastating, so terrifying...
...it will drive all dogs completely insane.
我把这声音命名为 野性的呼唤!
I call this sound the call of the Wild!
一旦狗狗们失了常 人类就会抛弃他们
Once the dogs go woo-hoo, humans will be forced to get rid of them... 而没狗狗保护的人类们 将会是我的囊中物
...and without their protection, I will enslave all mankind!
小喵喵 我到家了喔
MAN: Kitty! I'm home!
没有任何人可以阻止我统治这个世界 珍珠猫 参上
Nothing will stop me from ruling the world. Kitty Galore out!
That cat makes the hair on my butt stand up.
珍珠猫是我们的头号通缉犯 在榜单上称霸了一年之久
Kitty has been number one on our "most wanted" list for a year.
上礼拜 他跟他的忠诚的同党小豹 出现在德国
Last week, she and her henchcat, Paws, resurfaced in Germany...
and stole top-secret satellite codes.
消息来源还指出 小豹还想干掉这只鸽子 谢默斯
Our sources also tell us Paws recently tried to eliminate this pigeon, Seamus. ~我相信我可以高飞~\n~I believe I can fly~
~我相信天空就离我咫尺间~\n~I believe I can touch the sky~ 没看过鸟洗澡耶 我要把这个传到网络上
Can't a bird take a bath without it ending up on the Internet?
虽然我不知道什么原因 但谢默斯是我们追缉珍珠猫唯一的线索
We don't know what the connection is, but Seamus is our only link to Kitty. 若我们能找到他 就能找到珍珠猫 还有我们只剩两天的时间
We find him, he can lead us to her. We have less than two days to find Kitty... 要抢在他启动 野性的呼唤 之前
before she activates her Call of the Wild.
你的任务就是 找到这只鸟并把他带回来
Your mission: Fetch and retrieve that bird.
太简单了 只要给我点面包屑 一个网子 跟一把榔头
Easy enough. Just give me some bread, a big net and a hammer. 我们要的是活的
We need him alive.
好吧 那榔头不要了
Okay, scratch the hammer.
你的任务就是 抢在小豹之前找到谢默斯
So you have your assignment. Find Seamus before the cats do.
You let Seamus get away?
It's just impossible to find good help these days.
那些长翅膀的鼠辈 可是有毁掉我整个计划的重要讯息
That rat with wings has vital information that could destroy my entire plan. 我们不能让这种事发生 对不对啊 我的小美味
We cannot let that happen, now, can we, little Scrumptious?
What are you waiting for?
I want this pigeon Seamus in your mouth...
然后给我摆在桌上 就是现在
...on my doorstep immediately.
快去 我叫你快去
Out! I said out!
Out! Out! Out!
这个滑鼠怎么那么难用啦! 噢!
What's wrong with this stupid mouse? Oh!
噢 小美味
Oh, Scrumptious.
我差点就压扁你了 看看你多么幸运啊
Now, now, I barely crushed you. Think how lucky you are.
你不用活在那可怕的地方 能跟我住在这么棒的窝
You could be living in that jungle instead of our new lair.
Isn't this wonderful?
It's perfect.
珍珠猫 我回家了喔
Kitty! I'm home!
Almost perfect.
喔 珍珠猫你看看 你以为那是真的鱼吗
Oh, look! Kitty! You think those are real fishies, don't you?
That's adorable.
Great news.
We are headliners!
真不敢相信 两个月前当我遇到了你
Would you believe it was only two months ago when I walked in here to find you...? 噢
I see what you're thinking.
一个新的开场 对不对?
A new opening, right?
Of course! That's genius. Pure genius.
Now we...
你好兴奋对吧! 每个魔术师 都一定会有的!
You are excited! Every magician needs one of these. Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
噢 珍珠猫
Oh, Kitty.
This is the rendezvous point.
那只鸽子 我们看着他飞进了那栋房子里
The pigeon we're looking for flew into that building.
记住卢跟你说的 要听从我的指令
Now, remember what Lou said: Follow my lead.
如果我叫你摇尾 你就不要给我摆头
When I say "Wag your tail," you ask "How hard?" Got it?
- 你肚子上绑的那包是啥? - 嘘!
What's with the fanny pack? - Shh!
我可不想跟你玩游戏啊 小子 我知道你会怕我
We can stop playing games, boy. I know you don't want none of this.
你不想现身 躲起来啊 因为你不想被我...
You don't wanna come out. You hiding because you don't want the:
看我表演 孩子
Now, watch this maneuver, kid.
我把这招叫做" 我丢你捡"
I call it "Fetch a Stick."
- 啥? - 快去 快去 快去捡
Hm? - Come on. Come on. Go get it.
Let's go.
哈哈 笨蛋
Ha-ha. Sucker.
我不知道为什么 这栋大楼好像在呼唤我一样
I don't know why, but this building appeals to me.
当然了 因为他长得跟消防栓一样
BUTCH: Of course it does. It looks like a giant fire hydrant. 没错 你说的对
Yep, that's it.
如果你没看着我 我可以尿的快一点
This would go faster if you didn't watch me.
拜托一下 快点啦
Come on, hurry up!
等你尿完 煮熟的鸽子都飞了
By the time you're done, the bird will have flown.
Say hello to my little friend.
真安静 好像有点太安静了
It's quiet. A little too quiet.
布奇 翻垃圾时间到了!
Butch, it's time to take out the trash!
What are you doing?
你想跑去哪啊 小坏蛋
Where do you think you're going, punk?
嘿!嘿!嘿! 温柔点 注意你的尖牙
Hey! Hey! Easy! Easy! Watch the teeth!
冷静点!这只鸟是我们的线人 他为我们工作
Stand down! That bird's our informant. He works for us. 线人?工作? 我想不是这样喔
Informant? Work? I do neither of these things.
- 我什么时候答应要当线人了? - 你是谢默斯?
And when's the last time you had a mint? - You Seamus? 这是不能说的秘密喔 你想知道吗?
That is privileged information. Who wants to know?
别搞笑了 狗党总部派我们来保护你的 现在快跟我们走
Are you kidding me? Dog HQ sent us to protect you. Now, let's go. 好的 只好这样吧
Good. It's about...
Wait a second!
How do I know you don't work for the cats?
" 在午夜之中前进"
"The crow flies at midnight."
什么?什么前进? 他在说什么?
What? What crow? What's he talking about?
这就是暗号啦 而且你要回答 " 老鹰..."
That's the passphrase. And you answer with, "The eagle..." " 欠我五块钱"
"Owes me five bucks."
- 嗯... 意思不太对 - 不不 等等 我快想起来了
Ugh. Close enough. - No, no, wait. Hang on, I'll get it.
- 是不是跟企鹅有关? - 我刚刚提示你是老鹰!
Was it a penguin? - I just told you it was an eagle!
- 是跟芭蕾舞女演员有关啊 - 真是够了
"Is a ballerina." - All right, enough.
为什么珍珠猫 想要封你的嘴?
Why does Kitty Galore have a price on your beak?
我不知道 我不认识他 这原本是我表哥尼奇的事
I don't know! I never met her! That was my cousin Nicky's business. 珍珠猫不会平白无故想干掉你 除非你知道什么
Kitty wouldn't be after you if you didn't know something. 尼奇有时候会来我家找我 但我不太记得
Nicky just crashed at my pad sometimes. I don't know anything. 因为我的脑袋只有葡萄这么大
My brain is the size of a grape!
Or a raisin. A big raisin or a little grape.
够了够了 别再耍花招了
Don't get your feathers all ruffled.
You're completely safe, now that we're...
快闪啊! 一个杀手拿着卷起来的报纸
Look out! Assassin with a rolled-up newspaper!
那只是只小小猫啦 谢默斯
No sweat. It's just a little kitty cat.
Hand over the bird.
呜呼 女喵喵啊
Ooh. A girl kitty cat.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
Hey, hey!
这是... ?
What the...?
- 呃 这可是你自找的 毛球 - 迪格斯
Oh, now it is on, furball! - Diggs!
- 保护鸽子 我来应付这只猫 - 你保护鸽子 这只猫是我的
Protect the bird. I'll take the cat. - You protect the bird. That cat's all mine. 你们俩慢慢玩 我要先溜了
You can both have the cat. I'm out of here!
I told you to watch the bird!
后会有期 女士们 我要飞了
See you, ladies. I gotta fly!
你老是用你那一套 这下可好了 大人物
You always do it your way, don't you, hotshot?
最好是这样 我怎么会知道有只会飞的猫 这个是...
You're right, I should have seen a flying cat coming. What the...? 不会吧!你的包包居然可以变成喷射机?
No way! Did your backpack just turn into a jet?
迪格斯!没时间了 我去找那只鸟
Diggs! Hang tight! I'm going after that bird!
不 等等我啊
Not without me!
- 啊,不 - 嘿!现在怎样
Oh, no! - Hey! What the...?
- 别这样我看不到路了 - 前有看板 前有看板
Stop it! I can't see! - Billboard, billboard, billboard!
I'm too old for this poop!
别追了 我家里还有一打蛋等着我回家
Wait! I have a dozen eggs waiting for me at home.
我送你半打 别再追我了
You can have six of them.
噢 不
Oh, no!
Follow me through this, cat!
Careful what you wish for.
我不是说让你真的跟着我 我只是开玩笑
I didn't mean follow me for real, I was playing.
飞的像蝴蝶般优雅 冲的像是...
Float like a butterfly, sting like a pi... Ah!
Mayday, mayday!
I've got you, bird.
拜托 戴西小姐 这玩意不能再快点吗?
Come on, Miss Daisy, can't this thing go any faster? 这东西限乘一人好吗 菜鸟
This is only built for one, rookie!
掩护我 弟兄们
Hide me, my brothers!
You're not gonna lose me that easy.
- 你想干嘛 - 这是你最后一次飞翔了!
What you doing? - It's the end of the line, bird!
- 我差点要追上她了 - 没有 我才是
I'm almost on top of her! - No, I got her!
Hey! Are you crazy?
嘿 有松鼠
Hey, a squirrel.
奥 老天 这听起来不太好
Oh, boy. This is not good.
翅膀坏了 你还能飞吗
Can't fly too well with a broken wing, can you?
噢 我的翅膀 看起来不太好
Oh, my wing. Oh, that doesn't look right.
Collar: Net!
你弄伤了我最爱的翅膀 准备上法院吧 女士
You busted my favorite wing. Get ready for a lawsuit, lady. Ha! 妈妈 看我
Mom, Mom, look at me.
You're going really fast, kiddo.
We've been at this all night.
再问你最后一次 珍珠猫在哪里?
Now, for the last time, where's Kitty Galore?
I don't know!
No! No!
Don't like the water, huh?
不要用水! 我求你了
Anything but water! I beg you.
迪格斯 这不是正常的逼供方式
Diggs, that is not a valid interrogation technique.
退开点 布奇 这才是真正的手段
Back off, Butch. This is how we do things downtown.
你以为 扮" 白脸黑脸" 这样我就会招了吗?
Think I'm gonna fall for your "good dog, bad dog" routine? - 有人! - 躲起来 躲起来
Human! - Hide. Hide. Hide.
嘿 狗狗耶
Hey, doggies.
噢 恶心
Ew. Ugh, yuck.
老兄 为什么狗老是爱把互闻屁股当作掩护
Guys, question: Why is butt-sniffing always your fallback position? 嘿 别想岔开话题 试过这招你就知道它的厉害 现在快说 Hey, don't knock it till you've sniffed it. Now, talk!
不 不要再用水 不要啦
No, no more water! No more...
- 探员47号 - 项圈..
Agent 47? - Tab?
- 收到讯号 - 听到请回答
We're getting... - Can you hear me?
Have you been compromised?
哇 你是从哪弄来这个时髦的颈圈啊
Aw, man. Where'd you get one of those fancy collars?
探员?等等 如果你不是珍珠猫的手下 那你是谁?
"Agent"? Wait. If you're not working for Kitty Galore, who are you? 我叫凯瑟琳 我是个猫底
Name's Catherine. I'm with MEOWS.
猫底? 发射激光
Collar: Laser.
等等 等等 什么是猫底?
Wait! Hold on, hold on. What's MEOWS?
猫咪保护世界安全之卧底 猫咪情报员
Mousers Enforcing Our World's Safety. Feline intelligence. 猫咪情报员 是吗! 好啊 快问快答 8乘8是多少?
Feline intelligence, huh? Okay, quick, what's eight times eight? - 64 - 哈哈 错了
Sixty-four. - Ha! Wrong!
八先拿掉三 然后去掉二
It's eight, carry the three, move the two...
I'm gonna have to get back to you.
MEOWS protects the world's cats against the pooch peril.
- 就是你 浪子. - 有人
That's you, Rover. - Human!
快躲 快躲
Hide. Hide. Hide.
Can't you doggies do anything else?
噢 为什么我们只有这一招
Ugh. Why is this always our fallback position?
You weren't hired by Kitty Galore to find the bird?
你又错了 臭狗
Wrong again, fleabag.
My mission is to find her and take her down.
听好 珍珠猫 本来的代号叫a.k.a. Ivana Clawyu
See, Kitty Galore, a.k.a. Ivana Clawyu...
曾经是猫底最棒的探员 直到一年前
...was one of MEOWS' best agents until a year ago.
不 不要靠近我!
No. Don't come any closer.
She was on assignment at a cosmetics factory...
...when a guard dog chased her into a vat of hair-removal cream. 从此他光秃秃 还被探员同事嘲笑排挤
Hairless beyond recognition and humiliated by her fellow agents... 所以她离开了猫底回到她原本的家
...Ivana left MEOWS and returned to her home.
这只怪物是什么? 都把狗狗吓坏了 快把那东西赶出去
What is that hideous thing? It's freaking out the dog! Get that thing out! 快滚!
But it's Christmas.
I'll make them pay.
从此之后 他浪迹天涯 并且改名叫做珍珠猫
After that, she went rogue, changed her name to Kitty Galore... 展开了他的复仇计划 直至今日
...and has been bent on revenge ever since.
等等 如果他想毁掉所有狗类 那你为什么还要阻止她?
Wait. If she wants to destroy all dogs, why are you trying to stop her? 别再听信谣言了 并不是猫咪就是邪恶的代表
Contrary to your belief, all cats aren't evil.
We care about humans as much as you do.
珍珠猫要对人类与狗进行复仇 这就是为什么要阻止她
Kitty wants revenge on dogs and humans, and that is why she must be stopped. 嘿 狗狗 你有毛病啊 小子
Hey, doggies. - What is wrong with you, kid?
How many times can you go down the same slide?
真对不起 我的意思是... 我是说“咕”
I'm sorry. I mean... I mean coo.
Mommy! Mommy!
We've been compromised.
你不要在人类面前讲话 除非你变成鹦鹉
Unless you turn into a parrot, never talk in front of humans!
听着 我知道珍珠猫会为了这只鸟而来 而你会需要我的帮助
Listen, I know Kitty. She's coming after this bird, and you'll need my help. 抱歉了探员 跟猫合作免谈
Sorry, Agent LicksAlot, no cats allowed.
Something we agree on.
你们没有退路了 试试看阻止我啊!
You guys don't have a choice. Just try and stop me.
喂, 你好
拉森警官 我是雷蒙德警官
Officer Larson, this is Officer Raymond.
- 你编号K-9的搭档迪格斯失踪了 - 什么?
Your K-9 partner, Diggs, is missing. - What?
我们今天去查看他的笼子时 发现他已经不见了
During today's rounds, his cage was vacant. He seems to be lost.
How do you lose Diggs?
他还没有真的丢掉 因为我们还没收到相关的文件
He's not officially lost. We're filing the appropriate papers.
你回笼子再找找他 再告诉我他没躺在地板上
Go back and check for him. He didn't fall through the floor!
Yes, sir.
抱歉亲爱的 我等等再回来 迪格斯失踪了
Sorry, honey, I'll be back. Diggs is missing.
Today's specials are leftover meatloaf and bacon.
Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!
为了你好 最好是跟紧我 小猫 我建议你眼睛不要到处乱瞄
Follow me, cat. For your own good, I suggest you avoid sudden moves. 今晚七点将上映的《史酷比》入场卷 已售完 请各位准时入场
The 7 p.m. Screening of Scooby-Doo is now sold out. Tickets still available... 什么!我没看错那是猫吗?
Wait! Is that a cat?
Why is everybody looking at me...
like they've never seen a crippled pigeon riding on a dusty dog?
Would you guys stay out of there?
派奇 不可以 那电脑不是给你咬的玩具
Patches, no, that computer is not a chew toy.
嘿 别把你的尾巴放进削铅笔机里
Hey, get your tail out of that pencil sharpener.
酷奇 不要和你哥哥吵架
Cookie, stop barking at your brother!
Where's the Dog Whisperer when you need him?
At least they're not wearing sweaters.
我老婆今天放大假 所以我只好看着这些调皮蛋
The wife is at the groomers today, so I'm watching the litter.
派奇 把兄弟们带出去
Patches, take your brothers outside.
Let's go!
And don't take treats from strangers!
泰博 拉泽比
Tab Lazenby.
So you're the new fat cat at MEOWS.
我刚有说你是肥猫吗?我本来是想说... 脱脂鲜奶有益健康
And when I say "fat cat," I mean you might wanna switch to the skim milk. 噢 卢兄不要紧 看来他们给了一个高高在上的官位坐啊
Oh, Lou, so catty. I see they've given you the key to the executive Dumpster. 看来一切都很值得喔
All that butt-sniffing paid off.
寒暄到此就好 现在有个我的人在你那吧
But enough pleasantries. You have one of my operatives.
据我所知 那个珍珠猫也曾是你的人对吧
I understand that Kitty Galore is one of yours too.
她已经不再是了 我们会以此为戒
She's our spilled milk. We'll lick it up.
You can't begin to imagine how dangerous she is.
She'll never stop until she has her revenge.
她正在威胁着我们 泰博
She's threatening us, Tab.
世界都反了 本来应该是狗追猫的
It takes a dog to chase a cat.
But it'll take a cat to catch this kitty.
这跟谁去抓珍珠猫无关 重点是要保护人类
This isn't about who should go after Kitty. It's about protecting the humans. 他说的对 我们不能干坐在这吵嘴
She's right. We can't just sit around arguing jurisdiction.
现在 将是我们历史上重要的时刻
Now, this would be a first in our political history.
距离珍珠猫的期限只剩下不到24小时 我们没有别的选择了 With 24 hours left on Kitty's deadline, we may have no other choice. 猫和狗将并肩作战
Cats and dogs will have to work together.
That ain't right.
什么?不可能 跟她一起合作?
What? No way, man. Work with her?
Why don't we go ahead and make an alliance with the mailman? 迪格斯 和谢默斯一起在外面等着
Diggs! Wait outside with Seamus.
Work with cats? I'd rather have worms.
Outside! Now!
我看你们都忘了自己是谁 居然要跟猫一起玩
Where I'm from, we don't play with cats.
- 我们可是追猫的 - 再见
We chase them. - Bye-bye, now.
卢兄 小朋友说的也有道理 我们也许不该跟猫合作 我们无法信任他们 Lou, the kid's got a point. We can't just work with cats. We can't trust them. 你会被糊弄的
You're being dramatic.
这些家伙到底要我怎样? 我才不要跟猫合作
What do these guys want from me? I can't work with a cat.
But I don't wanna go back to the kennel.
你有在笼子里生活过吗 好朋友
You ever live in a cage, my friend?
哈 我还真希望有
Ha. I wish.
有小秋千玩 免费的瓜子吃 还有个小镜子挂在那
The little swings, free sunflower seeds, that little mirror to hang with. 天啊 我真希望能回到尚恩的身边
Man, I wish I was back with my partner, Shane.
现在, 那只像是个美好的安排.
Now, that was a sweet setup.
你知道谁是完美的吗? 猫吗?才不是
You know who has the sweetest setup? Cats. Mm-mm-mm.
谈点轻松的 他们老爱高高在上的被宠爱
Talk about cushy. They're pampered like royalty.
像我有个表哥尼奇 他曾跟珍珠猫住在同个地方表演
This one house my cousin Nicky used to work at for Kitty Galore... 他说那里可是猫咪的天堂
...it was a feline paradise.
House? What house?
布奇 我知道哪里能找到珍珠猫了!
Butch! I think I know where we can find Kitty!
This is historic.
三个不同种族抛开己见一起逛大街 齐心协力就为解开谜团
Three species coming together, putting aside our differences to solve a mystery. 这真是个梦幻组合 除非这不是个梦
This is like the Dream Team, except we ain't dreaming.
把爪子磨利 我们到了
Pick up your paws, y'all. We're almost there.
What are you talking about?
Is there a soundproof bag we can stuff him in?
This is the joint where Nicky smuggled stuff for Kitty Galore. I think. 是的 应该是没错 我肯定
No, it is, I'm positive.
Sixty-five percent sure.
也许可能有67% 可是我又...
I could go up to 67, but I'm de...
喔你看 有虫虫大餐
Oh, look, a potato bug!
提高警觉 珍珠猫也许就在里面
Stay alert. Kitty could be ready to pounce inside.
我们正在突破自我 就在这陌生的地方
We're on an epic quest. Through foreign lands.
Learning about each other. And a little about ourselves.
项圈 开锁
Collar: Lockpick.
Look out!
Whoa, man!
嘿 他看起来好像条狗喔 老兄
Hey. It's, like, a bunch of dogs, man.
嘿 我们在哪见过面吗?
Hey, are we related?
老兄 我刚看他眨眼睛了
Dude, I saw it blink.
What's up with these guys?
Hopped up on catnip.
都怪那个猫婆婆 让他们失心疯
Cat ladies, such enablers.
好吧 抬起你的脚来 我们继续往前
Okay, stay on your toes, team. Let's move.
哦 不会吧...
Oh, boy.
Does schnookems want attention?
哦 小可爱
Oh, lovely.
好可爱的猫啊 好可爱的小喵喵
Beautiful pussycat. Beautiful puss.
哦 小可爱
Oh, dear.
- 嘿 跟上脚步好吗 小喵喵 - 你管的真宽
Hey, try and keep up, schnookems. - Go play in traffic. 摇摇你的尾巴 我准时到了
Shake a tail, I'm on the clock.
好吧 我有这些玩意
Here's what we got:
一个新型的晶片和 噢 还有个按钮可以当做小配件
One fresh microchip, and, oh, a thingamajig with a button on it. 好的 他看起来像是珍珠猫的党羽
All right. It looks like one of Kitty's henchcats.
当我说" 秘密行动" 时 大家都不准动
The key word here is "stealth." No one makes a move till I say so. 不好意思 我是只猫 我想我天生就懂得如何靠近猎物
Excuse me. I'm a cat. I think I know a thing or two about stealth. 我不是在和你讲话
I wasn't talking to you.
- 我是在和菜鸟讲 - 别说话 当木头
I was talking to the rookie. - Less talk, more rock!
- 大家快趴下...
Everybody down on the flo...!
快闪啊 警察来了!
Beat it, it's the cops!
I have underwear on my head, don't I?
我说了秘密行动 你竟然害我们唯一的线索飞了
I said stealth! You just lost us one of our leads.
噢 嘿!最近好吗?
Oh, hey! How's it going?
- 快点告诉我 - 不 告诉我才对
I want answers. - No, I want answers.
不 告诉我才对
No, I want answers.
不 告诉我才对
No, I want answers.
我会给你们答案的 我跟百科全书一样问不倒的
I'll give both of you guys answers. I'm an encyclopedia of answers. 好啊 那珍珠猫在哪里?
All right. Where's Kitty Galore?
她在... 我... 谁?
She's... l... Who?
Let me at him!
Is it supposed to do that?
What the...?
I'm going to guess, no, it's not supposed to do that!
This is not good.
哈哈 你们这群笨蛋
Ha-ha! You fools!
五分钟内猫沙和便便将会填满这个房间 你们都玩完了
In five minutes this room will fill up, and you're all gonna drown in kitty litter! 你没想到我有这招吧!傻蛋!
Bet you weren't expecting that, suckers!
But you're inside too.
不 我这么厉害
No! I'm long gone!
Outside, safe and sound...
...while you losers are in here, trapped in a rising tide of...
我是说.... 我
I mean, I...
快带我离开这里 我就跟你说你想要的情报
Get me out of here! I'll tell you anything! Anything!
有了这家伙 我想我不是这房间里最笨的动物了
And with that, I am officially no longer the dumbest animal in the room. 那个窗户 我们可以从窗户出去
The window! We can get out the window!
如果我们可以好好配合就能离开这里 我们要来个猫狗叠罗汉
If we all work together, we can reach it. We'll form a dog-cat pyramid. 你踩我的背 然后凯瑟琳踩你的
You step on my back, Catherine will step on yours.
她居然要踩我 那我也要踩回去
She'll scratch me. How about I get on her back?
是吗 那你来踩看看啊 看你会发生什么事?
Why don't you just try it and see what happens?
I'll do it!
Goodness. Someone made a schtinky.
Why can't you go in the yard like a normal animal?
跟狗一样 追着自己的尾巴跑吗?
Like a dog, rushing in without thinking.
You two wanna live or keep fighting?
Does schnookems need to be let outside?
哇哦 你看到了没?
Whoa. Did you see that?
有啊 看到了
Yeah, I know!
等等 我们在说什么?
Wait, what are we talking about?
- 你们这群家伙是疯了吗? - 珍珠猫在哪里?
You guys aren't mad, are you? - Where's Kitty?
最好快点讲 不然这些狗会把你的皮剥下来 做成他们最爱的包包 Start talking, or these dogs are gonna rip into you like a bag of Snausages. 好啦 好啦
Okay, okay!
听着 我不知道珍珠猫在哪 但我可以告诉你这个
Look, I don't know where Kitty is, but I can tell you this.
这几个月来 珍珠猫到处窃取高科技
For months now, Kitty has been stealing technology...
...from, like, NASA...
...the Pentagon...
你现在看到的是比尔盖兹他家的猫 视窗先生
You should've seen what we got from Bill Gates' cat, Mr. Windows. 而我只是中间猫
Now, I'm just the middlecat.
I take the parts, give them to pigeon couriers...
...and they fly them to a secret location.
Which is where?
我怎么会知道 我都说那是秘密地点了
How would I know? It's a secret.
- 听起来她像是在制造什么 - 到底是什么呢?
Sounds like she's building something. - But what?
Who can understand the mind of a crazy old cat?
- 我知道啊 - 什么?
I know! - Wait, what?
You know what she's building?
不 我是说我认识一只发疯的老猫
No. I know a crazy old cat.
好了 伙伴们
Okay, guys.
这只猫是个笨蛋 但他能带我们找到珍珠猫
This cat is nuts, but he might lead us to Kitty.
Unless you want a bone buried where the sun don't shine... 让我负责跟他谈话
...let me do all the talking.
是的长官 船长 队长 大人物
Yes, sir, captain. Captain. Mr. Man.
多拍点马屁 迪格斯
Keep pushing me, Diggs.
现在看好你的脚步并跟紧 事情会变得很毛
Now, watch your step. And stay close. Things could get hairy.
如果真的会很毛 那我不进去了 我已经都有羽毛了 不想再多长毛 If I grow any hair, I am leaving. I can't do hair and feathers. 这里真的毛毛的 不过我喜欢 什么 什么
It's just miserable but I like the... What? What?
等等我 别丢下我啊
Wait up! Don't leave me!
嘿 小鸟鸟
Hey, birdy-birdy. Mm.
Check out my ink.
噢 真可爱 他真的好爱他妈妈
Oh, how cute, he hearts his mommy.
噢 真是可爱
Oh, what a cute...
Can we leave now?
You look tasty.
美味 为什么?我体态的确很美没错
Tasty? Why, thank you. I try to keep fit.
Mr. Tinkles.
我们需要你敏锐的观察与感应 来找到珍珠猫
We need the insight of your twisted mind to locate Kitty Galore.
- 如果你想制造毁灭世界的机器... - 你将永远找不到真爱 知道吗
If you were to build a doomsday device... - You'll never find love, you know. 我还能教你怎么坐下呢 说点别的吧
I can tell by the way you're sitting. So apart from the others.
他们不会让普通的猫跟来 对吧
They wouldn't invite any ordinary cat, would they?
You're an agent. With MEOWS.
Spying on your own brothers and sisters?
Naughty little girl.
But that takes a very special kind of feline.
某人敬业 为人驱策 而且很愤怒
Someone dedicated, driven and very angry.
But at who? Daddy?
Who's your daddy, Catherine?
That's enough!
布奇 你看起来又老又肥
Butch! You look old. And fat.
而且过了这么多年 居然还是当个小小探员
And after all these years, still only a field agent?
听好了 你这老怪猫 我们是来问你珍珠猫的
Listen here, you freaky cat. We're here to talk about Kitty Galore. 你算哪跟葱?
Who the heck are you?
That bulge under your left ear...
You were implanted with a RFID microchip.
I'm guessing police work.
真是的 这么年轻就被解雇了
My, my, so young to be dismissed from the force.
告诉我警官 你讨厌我吗?
Tell me, officer, do you hate me?
你是不是很想一口把我咬下 嚼一嚼再吐出来 Do you wanna chew me up and spit me out...
...as has been done to you in relationship after relationship? 噢噢 换我了 换我
Ooh! Ooh! Do me next! Do me!
What color am I thinking of?
最后这只鸟 跟我很像
The last bird who stood this close to me...
好 我喜欢他公司那花俏的盛宴
...well, I enjoyed his company with a plate of Fancy Feast... 而且还有个装牛奶的盘子
...and a nice saucer of milk. Th-th-th-th.
我刚刚想的是蓝色 怪怪猫
I was thinking of blue, Creepy McGee.
我本来想的是黄色 但是黄色好像太明显
Originally I was thinking yellow, but yellow's so obvious. 臭狗
嘿 珍珠猫 我有好消息
Hey, Kitty, I got news.
What is the world coming to?
Cats and dogs can't work together!
怎么能 怎么能
What to do? What to do?
啊 小豹 该是轮到
Aha. Paws! Time to call in...
...the MacDougall twins.
I always wondered what Garfield would look like in a dress. 居然被自己的同类背叛
Betrayed by my own kind.
看来只有我们才能这么亲了 小美味
I guess it's just you and me, Scrumptious.
等等 小美味去哪了?
Wait. Where's Scrumptious?
小美味 小美味
Scrumptious? Scrumptious?
我在这里 在这里
I'm here! In here!
你这畜生 把他吐出来 把他吐出来
You animal! Spit him out! Spit him out!
如果他有天被吃掉 吃他的人只能是我
If anyone eats that mouse, it's gonna be me!
好了 小美味 不要出声
Okay, Scrumptious, not a squeak.
Close your eyes!
I have got a surprise for you!
珍珠猫 你看好了喔
Kitty, now, watch carefully.
关于上次说到的开场 现在你要从这里进去
For our big opening, you are gonna go in here, like this. 然后把第一支剑 插入第二个插槽
Now, let's see. Sword A into slot B.
The crowd "oohs" and "ahhs"...
然后我再把四号剑 插入到
...as I put sword D into slot...
然后我就会开始念魔法咒语 " 咘啦咘啦咘啦"
And then I say the magic words, "Abracadabra..." 然后就
And then:
Ooh, ooh! Ooh.
That was wrong.
你说够了没 现在快点告诉我们珍珠猫在哪里
Enough pussy-footing around, Tinkles! Where's Kitty Galore? 好啦 小声点 大家都被你吓到了
All right, everybody, chill.
There is one way to defeat Kitty Galore.
- 首先:立刻放了我 - 什么!这不可能
Step one: Release me immediately. - What? Forget it.
- 再来:我要求一架飞机 - 不可能
Step two: I need a space shuttle. - No.
噢 好吧 你们真没幽默感
Oh, all right. You guys are no fun.
听着 我可以帮你们打败坏蛋 这可是个高尚的专业工作
I can't help you fight other villains, all right? It's a professional courtesy thing. 我会被反对 嘲笑 还会丢掉我的退休金
I'd be blackballed, laughed at. I'd lose my pension.
不过 我会这样说
However, I will say this.
在猫眼里 你将看透一切
A cat's eye reveals everything.
What? What's that supposed to mean?
那是个谜 夏洛克
It's a riddle, Sherlock.
我本来是想装神秘的 噢 算了
I was trying to be mysterious. Oh, never mind.
所以现在 快滚
And now, leave!
我本来计划逃狱的 你懂的
I'm planning my escape, you know.
是喔 祝你好运了
Yeah? Good luck with that.
What? Good luck? For the great Tinkles?
An evil genius doesn't need good luck.
虽然 我有护照和快艇可以用
Although, I could use a passport and a speedboat.
Cats rule.
来吧 就该这样子
There. That ought to do it.
What was Tinkles talking about?
" 在猫眼里 你将看透一切" 这根本没道理啊
"A cat's eye reveals everything." That don't even make no sense.
叮当他根本不知道珍珠猫在哪里 他只是在装神经病而已
Tinkles doesn't know where Kitty Galore is. He's manipulative, he's psychotic. 换句话说 这就是猫科典型的个性
In other words, your typical feline.
什么 难道追着一颗球就不傻吗 而且还乐此不疲
Psychotic is chasing a ball when it's just gonna be thrown again.
What a pointless activity.
The game of fetch is one of the most exciting outdoor sports...
第二棒的就是追着松鼠跑 可不可以请你俩闭上嘴
...this side of squirrel chasing. - Would you two please muzzle it?
现在 珍珠猫叫我们摆平的那只笨鸟呢?
Now, where is that stupid bird Kitty wants us to knock off? Ha!
There you are.
什么?发生什么事了,安格斯? 换我看了
What? What's happening, Angus? Let me see.
邓肯 你安静点好吗
Duncan, would you be quiet!
完成任务后 我可以吃冰淇淋吗?
After the mission, can we get ice cream?
可以 可以 我们会买冰淇淋的 现在给我安静点
Yes, yes, yes, we can get ice cream. Now be quiet!
I love ice cream.
Attention, humans!
这里是船长 安格斯
This is your captain, Angus MacNot-a-cat!
There's a whale up front and he's taking song requests!
And he's made of candy.
快去 快
Go now! Go.
Something's up.
噢 你好啊 小红点
Oh, hello, little red dot.
嘿 来抱抱 这个是...
Hey. Hold up. What the...?
Seamus, what are you doing?
Look out! The MacDougall twins!
The MacWhats?
凯瑟琳 小心
Catherine, look out! - No!
- 迪格斯 你为什么要这样做 - 我也不清楚 Diggs, what'd you do that for? - I'm not sure. Catherine, protect that pigeon.
I'll get the cat!
等等 我喜欢苏格兰 还是输个精光
Wait! I love Scotland. And the Scotch tape.
你跑哪去了 还有那个勇气之心
Where'd you go? - And Braveheart.
项圈 发射激光
Collar: Laser!
Have fun!
Batter up!
快看 鲸鱼喷水了
Look! There's the whale.
布奇 如果你不是很忙的话 来帮我个小忙 Butch, if you're not too busy. Need a little help! 迪格斯 不要动
Diggs, hold still.
我要用激光 现在别伸爪子出来
I'll use my laser. Now, don't move a paw!
喔耶 小狗狗
Yippee ki yay, little puppy!
嘿 凯瑟琳 我们有只落水狗了
Hey, Catherine! We got a doggy overboard! - 快帮帮忙 我快滑下去了 - 迪格斯
Do something, I'm slipping! - Diggs!
不 我不敢 我讨厌水 我从来没
No! I can't. It's the water. I never...
我等等再帮你叫心理科医生 现在我需要你帮我 We'll call Dr. Phil later. But right now I need some help. 听好 你这幸运猫 因为我还没痛扁你一顿
Take that! And you're lucky I don't smack you upside your cat head.
踢他的风笛 布奇
Kick him in the bagpipes, Butch!
你躲不过我的 你这只弱鸟
I've got you in my sights, you wee bird!
What are you doing?
Now it's my turn.
别着急狗狗 我还想留点乐子慢慢享受
Now, don't be hasty, dog. I was just having a wee bit of fun. 乐子?
妈 妈 你看 他又出现了
Mom, Mom! It's happening again.
宝贝 什么都没有啊
Honey, there's nothing there.
- 嘿 只是善意地提醒 - 谢默斯
Hey! Just a friendly reminder. - Seamus!
Your mission is still to protect...
Catherine, snap out of it.
对不起 对不起 我从来没看到这么多的水...
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I've never seen so much of it.
噢 天啊 我不想看到都不行 我也想帮你 但是...
Oh, God, I can't even look at it. I wanna help you, but... - 这没什么 - 迪格斯 不
Here goes nothing! - Diggs, no!
No guts, no glory.
No brakes!
听着 你那身奇怪套装能帮你度过难关吗 毛毛脸
Take that! How's your fancy suit working out for you now, fur face? 等等
Where's Kitty Galore?
正在准备 野性的呼唤
Preparing the Call of the Wild.
很快的 你的狗脑袋将不再灵光 他将会抓狂的崩溃
Soon your feeble canine brains will feel her wrath, and dogkind will crumble! 都给你说就好了
Smack him around!
Your pecking days are over, bird.
Kitty knows your pal Nicky gave you the blueprints.
Blueprints? What blueprints?
放开我 放开我
Let go, let go.
先停一下 迪格斯 我问他个问题
Stand down, Diggs. I'll question him from here.
- 才不要 - 够了!我说退下
Negative. - That's enough! I said stand down!
I got him, pops. I know what I'm...
嘿 安格斯 我们现在可以开始吃冰淇淋了吗?
Hey, Angus. Now can we get ice cream?
迪格斯 你又搞砸了
Diggs! You've ruined everything.
你先是让鸽子跑掉 接着又害我们困在猫沙
First you let the carrier pigeon get away. Then you almost drowned us in kitty litter. 而现在又让麦克杜格尔双胞胎跑了
And now you've let the MacDougalls escape!
至少我还没炸掉这条船 我是说 像这样的事
Well, I didn't blow up the ferry. I mean, that's something.
我受够了 你根本就是朽木不可雕也
I've had it with you. You're untrainable.
我会跟卢兄说 我是对的 你根本不可能成为探员的
I told Lou you didn't have what it takes to be an agent, and I was right.
- 你的意思是? - 我告诉你可以回家了 迪格斯
What are you saying? - I'm saying go home, Diggs.
You're off this team.
我是不太想打断你们 不过我不是还好好的吗?
I don't wanna be rude, but the bird's still all good, right?
来吧 谢默斯 我们还有工作要做
Come on, Seamus. We've got work to do.
What about you?
我会赶上你的 我得先跟猫底联系情况
I'll catch up with you. I need to check in with MEOWS first. 随你便
Suit yourself.
祝你好运了 狗狗
Good luck, dog.
You don't have to pretend to check in with MEOWS... 就直接说 谢谢我救了你的命
...just so you can thank me for saving your life.
嗯.. 其实我是真的要跟猫底联系的
Uh, I do have to check in with MEOWS.
噢 是吗
Oh, right.
不过 我还是要感谢你 救了我一命
But I, um, also want to thank you for saving my life. - 嘿 你受伤了 - 噢 我没事
Hey, you're hurt. - No, I'm fine.
噢 太糟了 硬汉 跟我来 我帮你包扎
Well, too bad, tough guy. You're coming with me to get fixed up. - 先生 你有看到这只狗吗? - 没有
Sir, you haven't seen this dog, have you? - Sorry.
- 喂, 你好? - 嗨 甜心 是我
Hello? - Hi, sweetheart, it's me.
- 嗨 亲爱的 - 怎么样了?你找到他了吗?
Hey, honey. - How's it going? Did you find him?
不 还没有 我真的不敢相信会发生这种事
No, nothing yet. I can't believe I let this happen.
这不是你的错 你已经尽力了
It wasn't your fault. You're doing everything you can.
是的 我知道 我只觉得 我好像一转头就能找到他一样 Yeah, I know. I just feel like I'm so close to finding him. 你先回家 然后我们一起找
Come home and we'll look together.
- 他在哪?他在哪? - 嘿
Where is he? Where is he? - Hey!
- 嘿 - 我没时间了
Hey! - I'm running out of time.
- 那只傻鸽子在哪里? - 我不知道
Where is that stupid pigeon? - I don't know.
嘿 这不是我的猫吗 你干嘛这么说呢 珍珠猫?
Hey, there's my cat. What do you say there, Kitty?
And where have you been?
嘿 冷静点 我难道不能找尊铜像歇一会吗
Hey, calm down. Can't a guy take a statue break?
- 太好了 我正好需要这最后一块电脑晶片
Excellent. This computer chip is the last piece I need.
Now no one can stand in my way.
- 那是啥玩意? - 那是我的主人
What was that? - That, my dear?
那只是个小魔术 用来困住自己而已
That's just a loose end that's conveniently tied itself up.
我的主人今晚不在 所以可以轻松点 我先跟猫底联系
My humans are out tonight, so relax while I check in with MEOWS. 来吧 迪格斯 先过一支爪子 其他再跟进
Come on, Diggs. Just one paw after the other.
- 如果我侄女们来烦你的话... - 侄女们?
If my nieces give you any trouble... - Nieces?
大家快来看 凯瑟琳阿姨带了只狗朋友回家
Look, guys. Auntie Catherine brought home a friend. And he's a doggy! 好吧 呃....
Okay. Um...
嘿 你好
Hi. Hello.
凯瑟琳,你能帮我离开这吗? 这口味对我来说实在是太可爱了 Catherine, could you help me out here? This is too adorable for my taste. 谣传狗狗肚子上都有个弱点 如果搔那里的话 你的脚就会跟着抖吗? Is it true there's a spot on your tummy, and if I tickle it, your foot will shake? 才没有这回事呢
No, that's just a myth.
被你发现了 噢 我的天啊
You found it! Oh, boy!
天啊 爽翻天了
Oh, boy, that's it.
- 好了 闹够了喔 女孩们 - 我的天啊
All right, girls. That's enough. - Man.
- 噢 - 给这只可怜狗狗一点空间吧
Leave the poor mutt alone.
- 玩的真不过瘾 - 再见 小狗狗
No fair. - Bye-bye, puppy.
现在 让我们来看看受伤的脚吧
Now, let's have a look at that paw.
噢 只是被小碎片刺伤而已
Oh, it's just a little splinter.
真的吗?我怎么感觉它大概有六尺长 好痛!
Really? It feels like a giant six-inch spike. Like a... Ouch!
- 少来了 - 我的侄女们可是比这更麻烦
Oh, come on. My nieces are tougher than that.
对啊 她们真是很离谱
Yeah, they're unbelievable.
我的意思是 我是只狗 我真不敢相信她们居然不讨厌我 I mean, I'm a dog. I can't believe they don't hate me.
我想 她们还没被教坏吧
Well, I guess they haven't learned to yet.
总之 非常的感谢你 帮我疗伤 我想我该回家了
Anyway, listen, thanks for fixing me up. I should be heading home now. 回家啊?所以你家在哪?
Home, huh? So where do you live?
噢.. 欧... 就是... 在那个...
Oh, uh, well, it was over at the...
你知道吗 我和家里现在可能有点那个... 所以我可能就是回... You know, I'm kind of between homes right now, so I'll probably just... 我可能就是回训练所的狗窝
I'll just head back to the kennel.
The kennel? That's terrible.
不 那边还算不错的 真的
No, it's fine. Really, it's fine.
迪格斯 你这一生有多少时间是在铁笼里度过的?
Diggs, how much time have you spent in kennels?
我想 打从我一出生还在当小狗狗就开始了
I guess I was just a pup when I first got dropped off.
我的主人说他会马上回来接我 不过...
My owner said he'd be right back, but...
Well, how did you finally get out?
我的恩人 尚恩 他是个警察
My man, Shane. He's a cop.
I guess he saw something in me nobody else did.
Made me his partner.
所以我发誓 我一定不要让他对我失望
And I swore I was never gonna let him down.
除非没办法 不然我再也不想回狗窝里了
There was no way I was ever gonna wind up in the kennel again. 然后呢?
And then what?
I wound up in the kennel again.
不管我多么努力认真 却还是不断把事情搞砸
No matter how hard I try, I just keep messing things up.
Or blowing things up.
呃 我想也许这一切
Uh, could all of this have something to do with...
可能跟你为了拯救生命 不顾自身安全而违抗命令有关
...not being able to follow an order to save your life?
But it's not like I don't wanna follow orders.
It's just, I learned pretty early on...
体会到了 唯一能够相信的只有自己
...that the only one I could count on, the only one I could really trust, was me. 只有这样 才没有人会让我失望
That way, no one could ever let me down.
Yeah, but no one can help you either.
嘿 你家门铃真有趣
Hey, funky doorbell.
不 那是猫底 来吧 我们快走
No, it's MEOWS. Come on, let's go.
A room full of cats? Try and stop me!
天啊 又来了 我出生时装的盒子都比这个大
Oh, man, here we go again. I was born in a box bigger than this.
噢 你踩到我的尾巴了啦 等等
Will you get off my tail? Hang on.
喔 对 高速电梯我搭过一次了
Oh, right, the dropping-floor thing, I've seen one... Oh!
呃... 我需要一点帮忙
Uh... Little help here?
Welcome to MEOWS.
先生 你这不是紧急状况 你还剩7条命呢
This is not an emergency, sir. You still have seven lives left.
好了 迪格斯 不要叫 也不要流口水
Okay, Diggs, no barking, no drooling...
最重要的是 不准追赶我的同伴们
...and definitely no chasing my colleagues.
泰博 探员47向您报告
Tab, Agent 47 reporting for duty.
警告!警告! 这里已经被渗透
Alert! Alert! The perimeter has been breached.
大家不要跑啊 我正努力的克制不要去追赶你们
Guys, please, can you stop running? I'm fighting the urge to chase you. 不不 泰博 他没问题的 他是我们一伙的
No, no, Tab, he's cool. He's with me.
噢 凯瑟琳 我突然觉得我跟傻瓜一样的跳上这里
Oh, Catherine. I feel like an idiot up here.
先退下 旅长 饶他条狗命
Stand down, brigadier. The dog lives.
噢 真是的 这玩意到底要几时才能派上用场
Oh, man! I never get to use this thing!
We're outsourcing?
他看起来是不是有狂犬病? 他看起来好像真的有
Does he look rabid to you? He looks rabid to me.
我们已经从上次发现的威胁影片中 截取一段录音
We've isolated a voice on Kitty Galore's threat recording.
I will enslave all mankind!
珍珠猫 我到家了
Kitty! I'm home!
是人类 那绝对是人类的声音
A human. Definitely human.
倒个带 - 好的
Back up. - Right.
Now zoom in.
我瞧瞧 没想到被叮当说中了
Well, I'll be. Tinkles was right.
在猫眼里 你将看透一切
A cat's eye does reveal everything.
泰博 把画面左右反转
Tab, flip the image.
" 查克的魔术大观园"
"Chuck the Magnificent."
好的 让我们来看看
Okay, let's see.
啊哈 找到了
Aha. Here we are.
Playland, huh?
So who's up for a corn dog?
Can I ask you something?
别问怪问题就好 你知道的 你听过 " 舌头被猫偷走" 这句话吗? Don't take this wrong. You know that saying, "Cat got your tongue"? 当然有啊
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You're not gonna steal my tongue, are you?
那只是个形容词而已 迪格斯
It's an expression, Diggs.
老兄 你开车像个女生
Man, you drive like a girl.
不 迪格斯 你错了 我开车像只猫
No, Diggs, I drive like a cat.
好了 现在快当只好狗狗 把头伸出车窗外吧
Now, be a good dog and stick your head out the window.
停车 停车 欢迎来到游乐园 请付停车费五元
Brake, brake, brake. - Welcome to Playland. Parking is $5. 玩的开心点啊 先生
Enjoy the park, sir.
This place looks pretty secure.
So how exactly are we planning on getting in there?
Wait a second.
I know what to do.
Butch taught me this.
这是个小小的把戏 我喜欢把他叫做 " 我丢你捡"
This is a little maneuver I like to call "Fetch a Stick."
We haven't got much time.
Look for something that resembles a bologna with a head. 真好玩啊 这个
Okay there. Yikes.
凯瑟琳,我真希望这次 不要像追自己尾巴一样徒劳无功 Catherine, I sure hope we're not chasing our tails here.
现在是.. ?
What the...?
你在找我吗 亲爱的
Is this what it's come to, darlings?
Cats and dogs working together?
你可以说我老古董 但我还是喜欢猫狗彼此讨厌的时代
Call me old-fashioned, but I preferred it when we all hated each other. 别担心 我们仍然讨厌你
Don't worry. We still hate you.
Not even a mother could love that face.
猫底 这里是探员4...
MEOWS! This is Agent 4...
- 嘿!你想干嘛? - 凯瑟琳!
Hey! What are you doing? - Catherine!
不 我的项圈
No! My collar!
In the still
- Of the night - Shoo-doop, doobie-doop
I held you
我不知道 也许我对那孩子太严厉了
I don't know. Maybe I was too hard on the kid.
看看我找到啥 一些棉线 一些树枝 一些橡皮筋
Let's see, some thread, some twigs, a rubber band...
不对喔 两条橡皮筋才对
Scratch that, two rubber bands!
实在太幸运了 你说对不对
What a lucky... You talking about lucky...
- 你刚说我们要找的是什么? - 一张蓝图
Wait, what are we are looking for? - The blueprints.
那只猫说的 你表哥尼奇把蓝图放在你这里
The cat on the ferry said your cousin Nicky gave you blueprints. 噢 耶
Oh, yeah.
- 我还是自己来吧 - 这是我家耶
Let me look. - This is my house!
你会弄坏我的房子 我的保险理赔不含这个
You'll ruin this place. My insurance doesn't cover this.
This is why my landlord said no pets.
你总是有办法的 布奇 你总是最耀眼的那个
Well, always great having you over, Butch. You're the life of the party.
嘿 为什么珍珠猫的名字会写在我家的壁纸上
Hey, what's Kitty Galore's name doing on my wallpaper?
这不是你家壁纸 这是一张超大卫星的蓝图
That's not wallpaper. That's a blueprint for a giant satellite dish.
This is worse than we thought!
也许她只是想看免费的HBO 频道
She's trying to get free HBO.
This is why Kitty's after you.
Your Cousin Nicky stashed this here.
项圈 启动相机
Collar: Camera.
总部 收到讯号没有?
HQ, you getting this?
我的老天爷 他足足有三楼这么高
Holy lawn log. That thing is three stories tall.
如果这个装置真的完成了 那我们最大的噩梦就成现实了
If this device is real, it's our worst fears come true.
卢兄 猫底在这 我们刚刚收到 从凯瑟琳那发出的求救讯号
Lou, MEOWS here. We just picked up a distress signal from Catherine. 她和你的探员迪格斯在一起
She's with one of your agents. - Diggs!
他们追踪线索找到珍珠猫藏身地点 游乐园
They were chasing a lead on Kitty's hideout, a place called Playland.
你在找的地方叫 查克的大观园
You're looking for one Chuck the Magnificent.
泰博 我传送蓝图资料给你 布奇 快去救我们的探员
Tab, I'm sending you a blueprint. Butch, go get our agent.
Copy that! I just hope the kid's okay.
So this is how it ends for me.
在马戏团帐篷里 把我和猫绑在一起 这计划真棒啊 珍珠猫
In a circus tent, chained to a cat. Great master plan, Kitty.
不要抱怨我的计划好吗 尤其是你还没听我说明 不是吗?
Bup-bup-bup. Don't judge my master plan until you've heard the whole thing, huh? 你知道的 再20分钟 我将会开始播放...
You see, in 20 minutes, I will begin broadcasting...
...the Call of the Wild!
而在地球上的每只狗 都会变成疯狗 直到永远!
And every canine on this planet will become a mad dog, forever! 好像我真的得相信我听到那个怪声音之后
Like I'm supposed to believe a bunch of weird sounds...
会让我" 变成疯狗 直到永远" !
...are gonna make me a "mad dog, forever."
噢 看来你已经清楚的很了
Ah. So you do understand.
我还以为 这些复杂的事 对狗来说很难理解
I was worried the whole thing was a tad complicated.
你知道的 狗嘛
You know, for a dog.
小豹 给我们的好朋友看看 我们的模拟投影装置
Paws! Let's show our friends what we have up our metaphorical sleeve. 狗的听觉一向比较灵敏 总是被当做是最大的优点之一
A dog's sensitive hearing has always been considered a tactical advantage. 不过现在 却变成了他们的最大梦魇
But now, it will be their downfall.
Look at
他们甚至认不出自己的主人 人类更是摸不着头绪
They're even turning on their owners. Humans have no idea what's happened. 这只狗已经彻底疯掉了
Their dogs have all gone mad!
And there's only one place for a mad dog.
不 不 不要是狗笼
No, no. Not the kennels.
是的 就是狗笼
Yes, yes, the kennels!
Where they will be forever alone...
多余 失宠
...unwanted, unloved.
是不是很熟悉啊 迪格斯警官
Seem familiar, Officer Diggs?
真有你的 珍珠猫 不过这世界上的狗狗多的是
Nice try, Kitty. But there's a lot of dogs in this world.
你能怎么办 挨家挨户的让他们听怪声吗?
What are you gonna do, go door-to-door with your sound?
That would take you the rest of your nine lives.
你说的对 除非我有个卫星
That's true. Unless I had a satellite.
Why do you think I've been telling you this?
I got time to kill until my satellite's in position.
然后 当我发射讯号
Then, once I beam the signal...
...it will instantly broadcast from every TV, radio and cell phone on earth! 好了 表演结束
Okay, show's over.
不不 我不会让你称心如意的 珍珠猫
No, no! You'll never get away with this, Kitty!
噢 我总是期待有个人能对我说 " 我不会让你称心如意的" I was hoping someone would say I'll never get away with this. 这样才能让我在这么做时 感到无比的满足
It'll make it so much more satisfying when I do!
现在 把屁股坐好放松一下
Now, sit back and relax.
Perhaps you'd care for a drink of water?
不 不要水 不要水
No! Water. Not water.
Anything but water.
拜托 珍珠猫 我不会游泳
Please, Kitty. I can't swim.
那更好 我喜欢你不会游泳
Perfect. I don't want you to swim.
I want you to drown!
We're almost at Playland.
噢 要我选的话 我第一个一定选过山车
Oh, if there's one ride we should go on, it's the roller coaster.
We're not going on any rides.
别害怕 我会握住你的狗掌的 大宝宝
Don't be scared. I'll hold your paw, big baby.
- 一定有个办法离开这里 - 凯瑟琳,听着
There's gotta be a way out of here. - Catherine, listen.
也许这是我人生的尽头了 所以我想 我能跟你说 我有点喜欢你 Since this is the end, I guess I can say I think I might like you.
- 迪格斯 停下 - 不 嘘 先让我讲完
Diggs, stop. - No. Shh. Don't say anything.
我知道这有点反常 但是我觉得我们之间正在萌芽 I know it's uncomfortable, but I think we're buds. 就是这样 我要说我喜欢一只猫
There, I said it. I like a cat.
I feel so free!
不 别说了 我可以用你的项圈
No, stop! I can use your collar!
不 它做不来任何事 甚至不能赶走跳蚤
No, it doesn't do anything. It's not even good for fleas. 不 如果我把它松开...
No, if I could just get it loose...
...I can pick the lock.
干的好 现在换我
Nice work! Okay, now me.
不用担心 迪格斯 我会救你离开这里的 Don't worry, Diggs. I'll get you out of here.
不 凯瑟琳 没有时间了 你必须先去阻止珍珠猫 No, Catherine. There's no time. You gotta stop Kitty. 我不会抛下你的 迪格斯
I'm not leaving you, Diggs.
加油 凯瑟琳 你办的到
Come on, Catherine. You can do this.
噢 看来你欠我很多喔
Oh, you owe me bigtime, dog.
Yeah, about what I said before, about liking cats... - 从没发生过 - 谢谢你
Never happened. - Thank you.
嗨 珍珠猫 抱歉 我练习花了太多时间了 Hey, Kitty! Sorry, practice went a little long. 你在哪里 小女孩
Where are you, girl?
查克 你真是够笨的 原来钥匙在这里
Chuck, you're a grade-A doofus. Here they are. 珍珠猫
You in here?
不要担心 珍珠猫 每个人都会有怯场的时候的
Don't worry, Kitty. We all get stage fright sometimes.
We can get through this together.
The show must go on!
Just need five minutes.
Maybe 10.
爆米花 你有没有想要啊? 你知道路边摊 最棒的地方在哪吗? Caramel corn. You have any idea what the street value of that is? - 是谢默斯的声音? - 在这里
Is that Seamus? - Over here!
我们这么努力的拯救世界 没理由不给我吃刨冰吧
There's no reason we can't save the world and get snow cones. - 嘿 大家好啊 - 凯瑟琳
Hey, guys. - Catherine!
- 菜鸟 - 布奇
Rookie! - Butch.
项圈 开启通讯
Collar: Comlink.
总部 我们找到凯瑟琳和迪格斯了
干的好 布奇 快去找珍珠猫的卫星设备
Nice work, Butch. Now find Kitty's device.
Where could Kitty be hiding that satellite dish?
卫星这么大 可不是随便就能藏起来的
It must be huge. You can't just hide something like that.
给我等一下 那个游乐设施看起来有点像...
Hey, wait a second. That ride looks kind of like a...
不会吧 你太天才了
It sure does. - Genius!
什么? 可是我怎么看都不像是一个巨大的卫星...
What? All I see is a giant satellite-dish-looking...
大家 先躲起来
Team, huddle up.
- 是时候了 - 拯救狗狗 拯救世界
It's go time.- Save the dogs, save the world.
首先要做的是 爬到游乐设施的最上面
First thing to do, get on top of that ride.
等一下 这个游乐设施有身高限制吗?
Yes! Wait. Is there a height requirement for this ride?
Behold my glorious device!
小心点 小美味
Careful, Scrumptious.
如果光碟被刮伤 我就刮伤你
Scratch that disc, I scratch you.
就在这个时刻 地球即将臣服在我的猫爪下
In mere moments, the planet becomes my scratching post!
不好意思 有没有人看到我的助理
Excuse me, has anyone seen my assistant?
She kind of looks like a raw chicken.
噢 我的天 珍珠猫
Oh, my Lord! Kitty!
Get down from there!
Let's get this party started.
我的卫星一定位 我就把开关按下去 传送讯号
As soon as my satellite is in position, I hit the button and upload the signal! What?
3 2 1....\nThree, two, one...
What in the world?
I love being a spy dog! Yeah!
Why am I doing this?
踩煞车 踩煞车 踩煞车
Brakes, brakes, brakes.
嘿 看我的猫踢
Hey, Catzilla!
太好了 完美落地
Yes! Perfect landing.
给我小心点 珍珠猫 因为谢默斯我要来踢你的...
Watch out, Kitty, because Seamus is about to kick your... Ah! Ooh! 小豹!去阻止他们
Paws! Stop them!
珍珠猫 什么?
Kitty! Where...?
Ah! It's so tangly!
Is that the magician?
Ooh. This guy is amazing.
卫星快要定位了 好的 我们分析了蓝图...
The satellite is almost in position. Okay, we've analyzed the blueprints... 我们发现在卫星设备上有一个自爆按钮
...and we think there's a kill switch on that device.
看那边 那个红色按钮应该就是了
Look! That red button. It looks like an off switch.
- 我们必须爬上那个控制面板 - 狗狗金字塔
We have to get up to that control panel. - The pyramid.
- 上次在老奶奶家的那招 - 好主意
From the cat-lady house. - Good thinking.
- 你知道该怎样做了 - 没错
You know what to do. - Right!
等等 你们在干嘛?
Wait! What are you doing?
我够不到按钮 现在怎么办?
I can't reach it! Now what?
Ta-da! It's a bird. It's a plane.
都不是 是在关键时刻的我
Nope, had it right the first time.
不好意思 原谅我 鸽子要来拯救大家了
Excuse me. Pardon me. Pigeon to the rescue.
Here I come!
我是说 谢谢你
I mean, thank you.
你们这些蠢货! 并不是每个红色按钮都是自爆按钮
You fools! Not every red button is an off switch.
坐稳了 小朋友们
So buckle up, kiddies.
The real ride has just begun.
The signal's fired.
正在上传" 野性的呼唤" 讯号到卫星上
The satellite's uploading the Call of the Wild.
Butch? Butch are you there? Talk to me!